The Hobbit - Erebor Dwarf Armour - FINISHED

Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Did you try heatforming the foam over a bowl or such first to get a piece for dome of helmet (I'm sure I saw it done for shoulder pauldrons of GoT Kings Guard armor on this forum) know what I am going to try that this weekend and see how it turns out....I love the helmet btw coming along nicely and looks like a cheaper way to make it too!
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Did you try heatforming the foam over a bowl or such first to get a piece for dome of helmet (I'm sure I saw it done for shoulder pauldrons of GoT Kings Guard armor on this forum) know what I am going to try that this weekend and see how it turns out....I love the helmet btw coming along nicely and looks like a cheaper way to make it too!

I tried heatforming it a bit, but I think you really need to get the core of the foam warm for that. I was using a heatgun, which is great to heat up the outside, but if you go too hot it'll start melting the foam which makes it very scratchy. This guy used his oven, mostly because the sheet was so big I suppose, but I figure it also got the core of the foam warmer then a heatgun would. The problem I was having was that I didn't have a decent form, and anything I did would result in a lot of extra material in the "corners". It took some trial and lots of error but I finally got the idea to add pieces length and width wise to give it the proper shape, which I DID use the heatgun to form, then use the bent pieces I already had to give the "corner" roundness.

So here is some more work tonight, added the rear guard. It still needs a bit more to the bottom of it but it's made the height of it look a lot better.



Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Got lots done last night. Gave the back guard the flare, which was the first piece of real sculpting. I knew those dremel bits would be a good idea. Got some good work done on the top parts on the helmet, need to add the sides to those though.



Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Picked up some thinner craft foam. Going to use this for the majority of the finer details. Here's a test piece on a botched face plate.


Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Got the major forms down. Still going to add some pieces to the beard but they'll be optional in the final helm, so less important now. Tons of little detail to add, but I've got a chainmaille project to finish for a friend so that'll have to come first for now. I'm really happy with how this looks so far and certainly won't be quitting. I've got magnets on their way as well to attach the mask.



Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Hey cool, will be watching this build, I also really liked the Erabor Dwarf guards' armor. I will be watching this.
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Just subscribed! Dwarves are one of my favourite factions, your right about the armour in the hobbit, absolutely beautiful! can't wait for more progress reports ;)
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Thanks a ton for everyone's compliments and praise, certainly makes me want to complete this thing! Which is something I rarely do, hah. I'll be back at this in no later then a month, if not earlier. I've got a chainmaille sleeve to finish for a Hawkeye costume for the Ironman 3 premier, so that takes priority, but this helm is looming in my living room so there's no forgetting it in the meantime, heh.
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

That's awesome, you going to glue a big beard on that?
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

The WETA 'Characters' art book is supposed to be out in April, so hopefully we'll see more of these fantastic designs.. (I want a Dwarven shield myself!) Any WETA folks following here - please chime in!
Gibbtall - Where will you be wearing these? Expo? If you come down to Dragon*con - get in touch with us!
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

That's awesome, you going to glue a big beard on that?

I'm "growing out" my own beard, but it'll never be as epic as a true Dwarves, much to my dismay. I'm not a fan of wigs and figure I'll be hot enough wearing the helmet that I don't need a scratchy scarf to go with it. I'm not trying to be screen accurate or anything, heh, so it's not that big of a deal if I go without. I figure having the face mask hides my shameful beard.

The WETA 'Characters' art book is supposed to be out in April, so hopefully we'll see more of these fantastic designs.. (I want a Dwarven shield myself!) Any WETA folks following here - please chime in!
Gibbtall - Where will you be wearing these? Expo? If you come down to Dragon*con - get in touch with us!

I'm hoping to have it all done at the very latest for the third Hobbit movie release, which is entirely feasible. But it would be great to get to wear it to Toronto Fan Expo in August, and the next Hobbit premier. I've started vendoring at cons around Toronto, so I'll be at most of them this year, but I don't have the funds to make my way south :unsure as fun as trouping would be!
Re: The Hobbit - Lonely Mount Dwarf Armour - Helmet Pep

It certainly is available. Just beware, this is my first pep file, it's currently very poorly unwrapped and much too small. Also the inner walls are fairly jumbled as I was only printing the outer layers. You'll have to do some major tweaking. If anyone makes a casting of one, I may have to grab one from you :3 since it will most likely be superior to anything I end up making, hah. We shall see.

Already did Andrewshaddox, but be ware, it's by no means perfect.
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Bored again today at work.


It's pretty mashup of two axes in The Hobbit artbook, I liked the axe head of one and the handle of the one right beside it, heh.

I'd absolutely love this in wood and metal, buuuut I don't think that'll happen anytime soon, hah. Maybe I'll be able to someday make/commission this in MDF/sintra? Who knows, it's a long way off to care at the moment.

I also found a new job, thank god, which means I'll be a lot less bored, but won't have time to do random work on this or the puzzle ball, buuut that's a decent trade in my eyes. I'm also getting close to done on the chainmaille commission, so once that's finished I'll be back to work on the helmet.


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Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Has anyone ever used a hallow 3D print as a sort of pepakura base? I'm debating on the idea of printing out the head and pommel of the axe from Shapeways in their cheap white strong and flexible material, with a .05" wall thickness, I could then fill it with expanding foam, and bondo+sand it smooth. Maybe give it a resin coat for extra rigidity. It's $100 to print it like this, which all things considered isn't too bad. I'll just have to chop it up a bit to get around Shapeways' no weapons rule.
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

It's really neat seeing the progress on this! I also loved the armor in the movie. Best Wishes!
Re: The Hobbit - Erabor Dwarf Armour - Foam Helmet

Thanks again for the compliments!

Here's an idea for a pipe, since any good adventure needs a break or two. This is about 3" by 2.5" and is $18 to print on shapeways, not too shabby. I might redesign it and go for it. I already splurged and bought the pommel for the axe off of Shapeways, was only $20 so not bad. It'll be another $80 or so if I get the rest of it though, so I figure I'll start with that and see how things go. I'd still love to use real wood for the handle, but that might be against Con rules, I'll ask around. If I can't make a wood one for cons then I'll have to make a second for display. I also checked the cost of getting the axe pieces done in Stainless Steel, and it estimated about $1000 hah. So ignoring that fact that they would never print me a metal weapon, and that it probably wouldn't stand up to being cast in Steel seeing as I modeled it hallow, I totally wouldn't be able to afford it. Ooorr would I??? :devil



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