Ironman Costume for 5yr old - LINKS on PAGE 1 - tips & important bits

Re: Build Progress: Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

I'm working on making a Mark 6 and I'm finished with most parts except its out of carboard, what did you use too faberglass the paper? and how much is it?

Pretty much generic bondo brand fiberglass and bondo brand bondo (which they call body filler so it's not so confusing). I can usually pick this up at AutoZone - $15 for the fiberglass container and $19 for the larger bondo container (both pictured).

Re: Build Progress: Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Here is an unimpressive picture of the cod piece on Mikey... he REALLY didn't want to stand still for pictures, so this was the BEST pic I got! lol


And now, I have a question for all of you that have built (or more importantly WORN) Ironman armor....

I'm working on building my pep model for an eventual foam-constructed arm unit. But before I glue all the thousand tabs together, I made up the wrist piece and had Mikey try it on. Here's the pic...


Is that about the right size for his wrist? Any smaller and he will have an issue getting his hand through this piece, but there still seems to be a little room all the way around his wrist... Any thoughts or comments from folks that have worn or constructed IM armor would be greatly appreciated - as I'd like to figure out the overall arm scale before building the whole pep! :)

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Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

awesome thanks a lot !! and for the wrist you could try putting some foam or cushion inside of the piece so it fits his wrist snug and is comfortable too
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

looks bout right to me,but is wrong way round,angled section fits to wrist,straight section slides inside forearm,you'll prob get a true idea if you build forearm as well
keep up the good work
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

looks bout right to me,but is wrong way round,angled section fits to wrist,straight section slides inside forearm,you'll prob get a true idea if you build forearm as well
keep up the good work

:lol I love it. Doesn't that just show what a noob I am! :$

I might do the forearm piece first, but at that point I'll probably go a head and build it the rest of the way up. I sorta need a fully constructed unit for reference anyway - and I know it's pretty close. So, in the end I'll have a good physical reference and I'll will also be able to test fit the whole thing to determine exact scale.


P.S. Someone on 405th last night said the wrist piece should fit tight enough that it you almost need to split it and add elastic so you can get into it. Is that the way your arm armor works?
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

P.S. Someone on 405th last night said the wrist piece should fit tight enough that it you almost need to split it and add elastic so you can get into it. Is that the way your arm armor works?

i did initially try one a tighter but wasn't happy with it due to feeling restricted on the wrist.
this i can get my hand through and rotate it round my arm,it also rotates to a degree in the forearm pod to allow some forearm movement
a few pics what may help mate,
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

i did initially try one a tighter but wasn't happy with it due to feeling restricted on the wrist. this i can get my hand through and rotate it round my arm,it also rotates to a degree in the forearm pod to allow some forearm movement a few pics what may help mate,

Yes, that definitely helps! I'd say from those pics my arm armor will be too large for Mikey at this scale. However, it will still serve well as a model that I can use for reference when building one at a slightly smaller scale.

Thanks, again, for the assist! :thumbsup
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Don't forget you can always line it with spongey foam used for stuffing couch cushions etc.. to make a larger diameter piece fit Mike's arm better.
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Ok, I completed the pep arm at the first scale (mostly for a reference piece). Turns out it's much too big for Mikey (which we all figured). However, it fit his 9yr old sister almost perfectly!

So, I measured her arm length and Mikey's and then just did some simple math to figure out how much I was off by. The math said I was off by a HUGE 14%. That scares me (seems too small), but I pepped three wrist cuffs and finally dove into building foam forearms as a test.

Here are two pics I grabbed while Mikey was out riding his bike. Let me know if you think these are correctly sized... My fear this time is that they are too small. The forearm is without an angled 'edge piece' at the 'hand end' of that piece, as that would have made it pretty tight... What do you all think? Sneak the scale up a little bit and then move on and stop OCD'ing over this? Or is this close enough that I should just run with this?

Comments welcome - and appreciated!


Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Its good! you got it right no worries anymore... Just flow with it... you can always down scale by cutting and adjusting, so if its bigger just wing it. keep Building!....
WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Just to provide a tiny update, I've finally locked on a scale. :unsure

The pieces were tight enough that I really feared they would be too small once I had hardened the foam. Right now, it's flexible and provides an OK fit, but once hardened, it won't be as forgiving.

And while the vast majority of feedback was to keep it as tight and close to Mikey's arm as possible (for fit and mobility), I still need to allow for the next few months of growth - which could be as much as 1 1/2" in total height.

So, last night I printed and pepped for a while and finally landed on a scale almost 2% larger. I'll be honest, it doesn't look like much of an increase, but I figure missing slightly to the larger side of scale will be easier to compensate for in the end than finding out that by Oct the arm is too small for Mikey to wear. :confused

Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement. I'm building BOTH arms at once...I mean why cut only one set of foam pieces when I can do both at once, right? I should have both arms constructed through the forearm tonight and then I can begin creating the bicep and shoulder pieces.

Have a great Tuesday!
Re: WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Just to provide a tiny update, I've finally locked on a scale. :unsure

The pieces were tight enough that I really feared they would be too small once I had hardened the foam. Right now, it's flexible and provides an OK fit, but once hardened, it won't be as forgiving.

And while the vast majority of feedback was to keep it as tight and close to Mikey's arm as possible (for fit and mobility), I still need to allow for the next few months of growth - which could be as much as 1 1/2" in total height.

So, last night I printed and pepped for a while and finally landed on a scale almost 2% larger. I'll be honest, it doesn't look like much of an increase, but I figure missing slightly to the larger side of scale will be easier to compensate for in the end than finding out that by Oct the arm is too small for Mikey to wear. :confused

Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement. I'm building BOTH arms at once...I mean why cut only one set of foam pieces when I can do both at once, right? I should have both arms constructed through the forearm tonight and then I can begin creating the bicep and shoulder pieces.

Have a great Tuesday!

i agree completly. come october if its still a little too big you can always add thin strips of foam to create a better fit
Re: Build Question! WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old

Just a quick 1am pic of the final foam forearms... Yeah, I labeled every piece R or L so I could keep them separate. :)

Right one you get to see the top... Left one you get to see the bottom side. They are definitely modified from screen-accurate (a simplified version of the paper pep really), but they should work for Mikey's costume.


Now, that I've locked the scale my next project will be to work through the foam build for the elbow and bicep pieces based on the pep reference.

Then I think I'm going to hit them with a coat of fiberglass resin, some finishing bondo (for any spots that need smoothing), and then hardware and painting.

That's the plan at least.
Re: WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old - lots of pics

It's coming along nicely. Well done!
Re: WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old - lots of pics

There are going to be a lot of jealous kids where you live this halloween!
Looks great so far, looking forward to more progress.
Re: WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old - lots of pics

I wish I was your kid! But seriously, I hope I can do this for my kids when I have them.
Re: WIP Halloween Ironman Costume for my 5yr old - lots of pics

I hope I can do this for my kids when I have them.

Like TK171 says, the coolest thing about builds for your kids is how excited they get with each new piece added. I also work pretty late into the night - after the kids are in bed. So, Mikey get's to wake up and see some small progress on his costume nearly ever morning.

And while I think Mikey gets bored sometimes by how slow I build (this is my first pep project), when he does gets to do the final fit-test on a new finished piece he spends at least ten minutes running around the house firing pretend repulsors at everything in sight.... that definitely makes it worth the work! :)
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