Re: WIP Ironman Costume for 5yr old - Progress Report 10/23
I really wanted to finish off a bunch of stuff yesterday, but I had a good friend ask me for a last minute logo - so I dropped everything and worked through that with her. She's got a fantastic charity business going, and I was happy to help out... even though it delayed my costuming.
HIP PODS (non-screen accurate):
Skipping screen-accuracy, I picked up two cylindrical containers from the $1 store, glued a quick foam piece on the top of each screw-on lid and painted them yesterday.
Once painted and detailed, these will be what I use for Mikey's hip pods.
Another high priority was to work on the gloves. I've never finished even the first one, so I had one full glove to start and another one to finish off.
As discussed before, Mikey didn't like the foam armor plates on the gloves - it restricted his movement too much. So, after pulling off some of those pieces I ended up trying a completely new method.
First, I painted all the 'armor' areas with red fabric paint. I tried to really get a nice thick coat in one go, so I won't have to hit it twice.
Then I went back over those 'rubberized' areas with a very small (but expensive) bottle of touch-up paint (Dark Cherry Metallic). I'll take a picture of the product tonight if I get a chance, but it's got both a roller ball pen (pretty useless) and mini-brush applicator and was very easy to use.
Here's what the finished gloves will look like (the other one still needs to get it's final coat of Dark Cherry Metallic).
It's definitely NOT perfect, but it allows very easy movement - which is the goal for candy grabbing! :lol
The 9 LED flashlights that I cut down to just the small plastic reflector and the LED board, are wrapped in 2mm foam and then hot glued to the palm. There are three other foam pieces around the palm, but all the other areas are just fabric paint with the auto paint on top.
Yikes. :confused
That's right, we're less than 30 hours from our first Halloween event for 2011 (Tuesday evening Boys & Girls Club party).
That means function trumps all else tonight! :unsure
Highest Priorities:
- Leg straps - Mikey needs his leg armor to stay up while walking (a must)
- Additional Helmet Magnets - The added weight of the battery pack has caused the main body of the helmet to be heavier than the small magnets holding the back piece on can hold. If Mikey looks DOWN, the helmet falls off his head as the back piece pops off the main helmet piece. (also a must fix situation)
- Finish up the gloves and mount the battery pack - I've got to put the final coat of paint on the other glove and then mount (read: hot glue) the combined battery pack inside the chest armor. I have taken one of the 9 LED battery packs (3AAA batteries) and wired it up with a switch and two sets of wires. It SHOULD run the both lights for half the time it would have run a single flashlight. I'm hoping that's enough life to get us through Halloween. :$
- All the other details...
Wish me luck - I'll need a good long night of work to polish this all off, but it's definitely doable.
