RPF First Annual Halloween Contest Winners!

Congrats to everyone! It was fun to see all the creativity with the kids.

Next year, personally speaking, I'd like to see the voting reserved to registered members. Who could solicit the most votes outside the RPF obviously was a significant factor in this. I fully admit to taking part in that myself, once I saw that that's the way things were going (posted on my FB page, and on my 501st forum). I found out from my mother that after she voted on her iPhone, as an unregistered visitor, it gave her the option to vote again. So I wonder how many votes were cast over and over again by a computer with cookies turned off or something like that. Anyway, I think it would be preferable to leave the voting up to RPF members next time.

My son Ben (the severed hand Luke) won 1st place in the Rebelscum.com costume contest, so I'm pretty happy about that. :) I offered him $20 for the Sideshow Emperor he won, so we're both making out!

I fully admit to taking part in that myself, once I saw that that's the way things were going (posted on my FB page, and on my 501st forum).

Not I. Not for any "Moral Highground" or what have you, but because I wanted to know how well received my costume was among such a discerning, and skilled group. I imagine my 15 votes mean more to me than a prize would have. :cool
Next year, personally speaking, I'd like to see the voting reserved to registered members. Who could solicit the most votes outside the RPF obviously was a significant factor in this. I fully admit to taking part in that myself, once I saw that that's the way things were going (posted on my FB page, and on my 501st forum). I found out from my mother that after she voted on her iPhone, as an unregistered visitor, it gave her the option to vote again. So I wonder how many votes were cast over and over again by a computer with cookies turned off or something like that. Anyway, I think it would be preferable to leave the voting up to RPF members next time.


Well, that would make sense why some categories received tons more votes that others and how some sky rocketed 700 votes over night according to one member...There was a wide margin between categories

Oh well....live and learn
I just noticed that the Kim Jong Il puppet has my name by it. Could one of the Admins change it so the person responsible get appropriate recognition?

I'm sure many of you know from my other thread that the little Gene Simmons was in fact a girl! Here is a pic at the end of the night on Halloween right before bed (and of course a bath).
WAhoo!! Congrats to all! Very well deserved! ( Of course many were )

The mens costumes were fantastic and fantastically detailed. It's amazing to see that kind of level of accuracy in something so wild!

For the ladies, way to represent! :D And congrats to the lovely Annisse who's sexiness is on par with her talent! Perhaps next year we shall have a Quorra face-off? >D

The kids were just incredibly cute... seeing some of them in full out replica costumes makes my heart sing! That kind of appreciation of art and uniqueness ( instead of picking out a fairy princess from wal-mart... not that there's anything wrong with that ) is so great to see in such young ones. :D

Grats to all!! I hope to participate next year!!
Thanks for your comments and critiques of how the contest was run. As I mentioned in one of the other threads, we have learned a lot from it and will certainly be making changes next year. I can tell you up front that we will likely NOT limit the voting to just members (although we will make it clear from the get go that ANYONE can vote) but per Icysis' suggestion, we probably WILL limit the ability to comment in the voting thread as some of the comments made in the women's thread were pretty tasteless and unthoughtful. We have a whole year to work on it and planning is starting NOW so thank you for your thoughts and congrats again to the winners.
Thank you so much for your votes! I am very honored. I am new to this forum but not new to costuming. Have made my own costumes for over 10 years now attending the San Diego Comic Con. Always afraid to compete in the masquerade and stand in front of 8000 ppl, I thought I would give this online costume contest a try.

SSII was my 1st attempt at making a full latex outfit. I am new to latex and when I acquired the film's remaining amber latex, I was estatic and nothing was going to hold me back from making that costume.

Again many thanks to the voters, very much appreciated! :D

If voting is open to unregistered members, is there way to make it so that a person can't vote over and over by just clearing their cookies or cache? Seems like someone with a little programming skills could really go to town with an auto-vote script this way.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to ALL of the contestants. You really put yourselves out there for all of us to see. It would not be a contest without you all! Just remember folks, it's supposed to be fun.
Thanks for your comments and critiques of how the contest was run. As I mentioned in one of the other threads, we have learned a lot from it and will certainly be making changes next year. I can tell you up front that we will likely NOT limit the voting to just members

This makes the contest completely pointless then. I post on another very active forum where I could have gotten hundreds of votes from members there in a matter of a few hours. I would never do this because I think it defeats the purpose of the contest, but I definitely saw swings in votes with this contest to suggest it happened. This contest should be about the winner being chosen by their peers, not seeing who has the most internet connections/can easily bypass any protection against re-voting.

Congratulations to those who won this year however, there were a lot of great entries.
Again, as I posted in the other thread...I am just the new guy, but here would be my suggestions for next year. First put in a CAPTCHA box for the voting, this will discourage the multi-vote issue. Also break it down to multiple criteria....for instance, Originality, Execution, Difficulty (whatever you like) and let the voter give a 1-5 vote for each, giving each contestant a possible grand total of 15.

I know this would be more complicated (the CAPTCHA box is easy)...but you do have a whole year. YMHO YMMV.
Wait...non-members could vote??? What a joke! That makes no sense at all. That completely destroys the integrity of the contest IMO.
I agree. I'm new, but I think 3 things would make it a great contest next year:
1. Only registered members can vote
2. Turn off the comments section completely for each category
3. Include the background tip in the contest rules for clarity. (In regards to making your picture 'pop' with a reduced or simple background.)

Also, and I apologieze if I missed it in the contest rules, but do the costumes have to be home made?
This contest should be about the winner being chosen by their peers, not seeing who has the most internet connections/can easily bypass any protection against re-voting.

Indeed. I, myself, own a online community FULL of people who would be more than happy sit there and vote for me over and over again(I know I'm not the ONLY one either...). Most of them are computer savvy enough to use multiple browsers in "private" mode (no cookies saved). A couple are rather skilled at implementing rotating Proxy addresses too.

Add to something like that facebook/myspace/etc friends lists, and things get kind of ridiculous pretty quickly.

Open polls for contests just don't seem logical to me.

Just my opinion, of course, but I happen to think it's a good one.
Although I'm fairly new here and haven't posted or interacted much, I will add my opinion.

I agree with those who think that voting should be limited to registered members for the reason of peers voting on peers. Otherwise, I would think you might as well enter a local Halloween costume contest at a bar or newspaper. If I had to make an analogy, I would say it's like winning an Oscar versus winning an MTV movie award.

That's my main concern and suggestion. But maybe there was a reason for it, like getting more attraction to the site; I don't know.

I also agree that something should be put in place to prevent multiple voting. I will admit to trying to vote twice out of curiosity, purely due to accident, though. I could. It did not affect the outcome, however. (And hopefully I won't be banned for my curiosity :angel)

I would also suggest the idea of being able to vote for a #1, a #2, and a #3, a ranking system instead of all-or-nothing. This would allow you to put in a vote for a winner and each of the two honorable mentions, instead of just having to choose one for a top spot and letting the chips fall where they may for any others you may like.

As far as the comment section, I could take it or leave it. But I think people like to talk about their decisions and are probably going to comment about the costumes somehow, whether before or after the contest, whether in a voting thread or starting a new thread. But if you're going to do away with it, I would suggest also getting rid of the ability to see the voting results before you vote.

That's it.

Great contest, overall. It made Halloween that much more fun to look forward to this year. Thanks to the staff for putting it together. Congratulations to the winners. Tremendous job by all entrants--I could learn a ton from you all, and I hope to be able to enter someday.
Well knowing it was open I dont feel AS disheartened as before. Still , knowing the level of detail oriented/opinionated people here I had expected a more level playing field - I side with those that want a member only vote, otherwise it could become a popularity contest as opposed to a decision of quality.
I side with those that want a peer/member only vote.

If not I can see ppl doing a...

"hey friends of FACEBOOK vote for me pls.. so I can win by number of ppl I know and NOT by my costuming skills."


and I hate the total store bought costume crap ppl bring to the contests.