[WIP]Shae Vizla, Mark II started! As she now actually appears in SWTOR

Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thak you :) Helmets are something I haven't yet tackled :) Well I lie, haven't fiinished. ;) I have another helmet I sculped, molded and cast. But half is still stuck in the mold ;) I know better now (vaseline works as a mold release, what i used... didn't). So this is a really nifty challenge :) Also for the times I go helmetless I can have it on hand for people to look at :)
Also I want to make the jet pack and hair out doesn't work for that ;)

This is a cast of my original sculpture which was super budget plasticine ;) In this weather the clay would have been too soft to work with. So I cast in a single layer of thick matting and epoxy resin with some filler to make it opaque. Over that is lots and lots of plastic putty. It sticks well to epoxy as well as polyester resins :)

One this master is finished I will be splurging on good silicon but still am not sure what resn to cast it in. I do like epoxy and the fact I can use matting in it. But urethane resin is more common.

So the work has all be sanding and dremeling and filing. Fortunately plastic putty is super easy to sand :) It's soft enough to be able to use a compas to score the detail lines! It's the chest and back armour I'm worried about sanding but I may be able to borrow/buy a mouse sander before then :)

That is super cool about your Chewie :) And yes that would certainly be a crowd pleaser, especially for kids!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Ok here you go the ZIP folder is a little over 3MB of images I was able to screencapture from the HD Decieved trailer. Got a couple good shots of the Helmet and a good shot of one of her forearms there in the photos as well. And you're telling me about the clay, I'm using Van Aken oil-based non-sulphur clay for my build I don't thin I could go any cheaper.
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Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you :) I'll see if I can put my screen caps up somewhere in case they also help others :)

I realise it's Christmas day where most of you are but it's Boxing Day here so I attacked the helmet again with the dremel and more bog and then I jumped ahead and painted it all silver just to get a better idea of how it will look finished. Naturally it looks closer to the figures than the cinematic at this stage ;) I really need to dust everything right now and so there is dust under the paint. Not an issue as I am familiar with it and know how I can sand it back and then get some proper primer on there...

I did also cut the bottom edge to shape and evened up the top details and crown. :)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

i dont want to swear on here....but those kind of words sum up how awesome this sculpt is!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I think i am falling in love here :p
Hope my girlfriend doesn't read this she will probably kill me to death :p
Awesome build i am following this with great interest
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Paint sanded right off and bogged in the details and evened up the curves both sides of the face:

The new line details are made even by the use of coated paper tape :) it just helps the dremel and mini files not go too far off line ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I've been watching this tread, and your work is looking superb. How are your wrists holding up?
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you :) Wrists are holding up as I've been pretty good and only doing a little at a time :)

However i have to hold off for a while. I've developed a massive rash and it's either my epoxy allergy flaring up or the new medication. I'm hoping it's the former. But that will mean a totally different approach. It's incredibly frustrating but I'll switch to working on the bodysuit :) And then figure out alternatives for the armour!
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR


Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Don't remind me! I saw the Rebelscum photos and man if it wasn't the cost of the resin I need to make this I'd buy her myself. Sigh.

I have had a major delay. Turns out I probably needn't have delayed... I thought my epoxy allergy had flared to dramatic new heights but it's "just" the crazy fancy pants medication I was given.

The photos of the mini bust have really helped me cement how I'll do this :) I will go back to my templates and use FG. I'll just be supporting the local pharmacy here by buying them out of all their Telfast. My rotary tool is still running and I will just borrow a darn mouse sander.
In the next short while I need to buy resin, tissue, cloth (I don't want to get matting again) and more latex.

And as per my old icon.. I like big guns. The mini bust most definitely made me want to add that to my own costume :)

Still not sure why she has such dark hair in the final release...

Oh and my Shaak Ti headpiece may just make this an alternate "will never happen in game due to clipping issues" Togruta BH ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

I'm finally back to finish this costume!

I'm waiting for my resin to arrive so I can finally start resining and glassing my chest armour :D

I have finally printed off a copy of the armour too:

I scanned my card pieces and used photoshop and the path tool to make a line graphic. It still needs some more tweaking. But it means if I goof the resining I can print it off again and make a new one ;)

And today I managed to collect a heck of a lot of piping from the inorganic rubbish collection:

All free baby! It would cost a pretty penny here to buy all that new and it really just needs a wash, which would be sensible anyway. So I can also make the gun the two figures of her have ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

As expected the card buckled a bit. No biggie as it really only buckled where the next layer goes over. This is more card and corrugated card all soaked in more resin and stuck in place. Cellotape is holding it in place while the curing takes place. Inelegant but it works. It should be sturdy enough once the final layer of cloth and tissue go over and be fairly light as the corrugated card is only soaked not filled with the resin.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

And the next exciting stage. Bogging.

I managed to find a source for good fairing powder (it's still fumed silica but doesn't blow about too badly) and mixed up a nice thick paste and smoothed that on the legs and front of the chest armour. I need to attack it with a sander of course but it is slowly building up.

I may wind up cut out the back of the upper part to strip the card out and give better cloth support again. I just want to get more paste on there so I don't risk cracking the whole thing.

I don't know if anyone has read the blurb GG put in their marketing for the mini bust. But it's pretty exciting. I'm just not sure when the events will take place, in game or before.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

This is looking nice. I hope you are able to complete it by CVI so we can get a TOR photoshoot going on.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Oh I would love to get to CVI, if someone can gift me all the airpoints/miles in the world to get from NZ to Florida I'd be there :) I'm selling off costume bits and pieces where I can just to get local travel plans sorted :)

I've been a little distracted by a local Steampunk community starting (spent a day talking about what to look for for making the authentic stuff and hopefully demystifying those huge bulky skirts) so I've just finished up a c1890 hunting outfit.

But I have actually got more progress that I forgot to share, so let me copy and paste from our local Star wars forums:

First I finally got a mouse sander :) I don't know about anyone else but there are certain types of costume work that get me in a zen frame of mind. One is direct draping (take huge piece of fabric and pin to a dress form to create magic) and the other is now sanding. I almost sanded a hole in the back of one of the greaves...

Added more bog to the front and sanded some of the legs and then rebogged them.

I have finally bought a mouse (droid) sander after a year or more of checking them out. I think the local hardware stores were getting annoyed with me going around lifting all the detail sanders and waving them about. In the end I have the cheapest Predator (grr argh) which is so budget it has no fan to suck away the dust. But it was that or by what would be a paper weight as I wouldn't be able to use it ;)

So in one evening I have got the greaves nice and smooth and almost even. And got to work on the chest plate:

Greaves. one side bogged the other sanded back. I kept the bog fairly smooth by spreading it on with a silicon spatula. That thing is never going near the kitchen again obviously... I also mix my resin with a silicon pasty brush. I let the resin cure and pull the brush out of it after. It leaves little tunnels in the resin. It saves on buying new mixing tools and reduces landfill. I have horrible guilt issues over the waste in this process. I even reuse the same plastic container where I can. If excess cured resin could be reused I'd be all on it.

Chest plate sanded back. I may have to give it a spray of paint just to see where the dimples are. But she is starting to look nice and crisp again :)

Greaves fully sanded. Well as far as the mouse could go. I kept hitting the on/off switch when trying to sand the inners.

The blue bloomers and half vinished vest is my hunting outfit :) Blue serge, classic Victorian fabric. Well mine is just a budget wool twill but same diff ;) But not really.

I have decided that I won't be using the greaves as they are I'll keep them as a mold for future work as they are so very handy. I can do all sorts of sculpting on them :) So I used them to shape my PVC pipe pieces and it has worked really very well indeed:

I have to say learning how all the various plastic and thicknesses work has been interesting. I am a big fan of how this pvc piping is shaping and retaining that shape after.

Also, the chest plate has had the collar region patched and a few side pieces ditto.

The back plate has been filled in on the inside to be trimmed back and the top side bogged.

I also temlated the jet pack and am a tad disappointed I won't be able to use it for what I hoped. Never mind I can have a carry bag for that.

Next stop is to get more silicon, primer and start the paint collection built up.

Thanks for the replies :) It's a big part of encouragement- I feel bad leaving threads unreplied to and definitey prefer to reply with progress ;)
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Those look amazing. The mouse is a really good thing for costume work. It's almost as good as a dremmel.
Re: WIP: Shae Vizla, Bounty Hunter TOR

Thank you :) Yes, it makes life so much easier :) And I adore my Dremel wannabe :)

Heatgun, dremel, mouse, soldering iron- all tools needed for this. And overlocker, hand sewing and stretch stitch capable sewing machine ;)

I'm not looking forward to the hole in my account when I buy the silicon to mold the helmet but so be it ;) And then I can get to work on the small bits and pieces on the face of the helmet.

A purchase of lots of plastic is on the cards first though.