Super Sentai Forever Blue Helmets Project! (Foam Build)

Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

updates on Gokaiblue :D







hahahah can't wait to paint it :D
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)


Gokaiger Blue (Super Sentai Series)


this is my first wearable ranger helmet that actually fits my head hehehe




will be working on Jungle Fury as soon as i get my salary to buy robber foam sheet :D
then after that will work on my nephew's Gokai Silver hehehe a simple yet nice looking helmet with a lot of dreadful pin stripping (where i truly sucks :( )

Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

dude, you are a wizard! i had ikkakuro's base helmet and was planning to make Shinken Red, but I didn't understand how to make raised and lowered parts like the mouth piece. Could you share how you did it?
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

dude, you are a wizard! i had ikkakuro's base helmet and was planning to make Shinken Red, but I didn't understand how to make raised and lowered parts like the mouth piece. Could you share how you did it?

hahaha wizard is such a strong word but thanks! :D i also made a shinken red helmet for my nephew hehehe. i made this for you :D


also i remembered! just a tip, if you are working on ikkakuro's helmet base always start from the ear from both side the just combine the 2 parts in the middle. the shape will look a lot rounder and better.

love the Gokai Blue!!

Hehehe thanks same here :D

ang galing :D love the blue ranger helmet (MMPR)

Salamat! kaso palya ako sa kulay :p

Nice job! Always loved the blue Ranger helmet.

hehehe thanks. same here!!! :D Go Blue!
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

Im loving your work, you should try sealing it with something and giving it a light sanding to give it a smoother finish. Great job though
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

your Gokai Silver and Red Mask helmets look great! Do you plan on making a full suit for Red Mask?
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

your Gokai Silver and Red Mask helmets look great! Do you plan on making a full suit for Red Mask?

Hehe thanks, i'm just planning to build the complete set of hikari sentai helmets. complete with earrings for the girls hehehe but i don't know if i'll be doing some suit cause i don't know somebody who could sew and i don't sew :p
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

Im loving your work, you should try sealing it with something and giving it a light sanding to give it a smoother finish. Great job though

thanks for your tip :D

but i am really an impatient individual hehehe

but really i appreciate all advice so again thank you so much :)
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)


Was not able to do the Jungle Fury :p
But here's another Blue helmet from Super Sentai Series!

Hikari Sentai Maskman!





Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

Hell yeah! I have been thinking of doing a ranger helmet for a long time, seeing yours makes me want to start, but I need to finish my project first lol looks great
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

Hell yeah! I have been thinking of doing a ranger helmet for a long time, seeing yours makes me want to start, but I need to finish my project first lol looks great

hehehe thanks! i make you want to start huh? then what are you waiting for!!! hahahaha

but seriously, if your going to make ranger helmets, well of course made of eva foam or rubber sheet, and also if it's BLUE, don't hesitate to post the pictures here ok :D
Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

can you post some photos of the back zipper? and also, how do you conceal your seams so well? im having trouble hiding my seams
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Re: Forever Blue Ranger Helmets Project (Foam Build)

Awesome Work! :love
Too bad I'm will forever favor Red over Blue :lol
Though there was a short time of months where I preferred blue