Cowboys & Aliens - Jake Lonergan Gauntlet Weapon

Does anyone know who made the prop for the movie?

If someone here can make a 3D model and output as an .obj file, I can cut one out on our Roland rapid prototype machine.

That's Cool! I'll have to pick one up myself, thanks for letting us all know!

Happy to help! It's the least I can do to contribute around here. For those interested, it's a fairly durable plastic. I'd offer to get some pics, but my only camera at the moment is my phone... I think it could very easily be modded and fitted for wearing, as long as the batteries arn't in the bottom. And we all could use a good excuse to get a Slurpee. I'll do a little digging and see if I can find any pics of the lights.

EDIT: Just came across one. It's not perfect, but you get the idea.
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Pic link is broken. I do 3d modelling in Lightwave, but would need additional references before I could cobble a model up.

Somehing like this could probably easily be modelled in 3d in a few hours tops.
This thing was a beast to remove the cup. I'll be doing some modding of course ;)
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Jon Favreau retweeted the first photo I posted on his twitter! :thumbsup

Yes you can remove it but it takes some work. I used sheet metal cutters to cut down the sides of the cup. there are little nubs that attach the gauntlet to the cup that are pain to pry off. defiantly "do-able" though. You could cut around the cup but I plan on loading it up with alot more leds.

I found only two cups out of 5 different 7-11s! Short supply right now. But I'm in the ZONE today...
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Cool idea fitting two of them together. I got mine apart but I damaged one of the LED wires- no biggie though as I plan on modding it as well. These will be great for someone that wants to throw together a last minute Halloween costume.
Couldn't putting two of them togethe be less accurate then whats in the movie? I'd think they would have used pics of the prop for reference when making it....
its technically not accurate to begin with considering it is opened on one side but not the other.

Couldn't putting two of them togethe be less accurate then whats in the movie? I'd think they would have used pics of the prop for reference when making it....
I'm thinking sculpt wise. Other things you can always fudge, so long as you have the basic shape.. but is putting together two means you have the more accurate lights, then its better. since the general public will only remember the lights anyway.. LOL!.

I have a freind trying to hunt some down for us.. both of the 7-11s haven't gotten them in yet.

I'm thinking these would make a simple extra outfit base for Dragoncon.