Anakin ROTS Hero lightsaber references, research, images, and comparison

They destroyed it to make the Hero Prop, it's a combination of the Master Replicas LE and the Roman's Inception. In a panel at LA Comic Con, property master Brad Elliott confirmed this by stating 2/3 of the prop was MR LE while the rest was Roman's
wow that's crazy though, especially if it was borrowed, also why couldn't they have used either one, rather than breaking and making a new one?
They destroyed it to make the Hero Prop, it's a combination of the Master Replicas LE and the Roman's Inception. In a panel at LA Comic Con, property master Brad Elliott confirmed this by stating 2/3 of the prop was MR LE while the rest was Roman's
Is there any footage of this? I’m not questioning you I just want to save the video if it exists
It’s hard to say. They might, they might not. I’ve talked to the person from LFL responsible for having them use the TXQ. Basically they asked him if he could provide a replica from his own collection. He was gonna provide a 7Chambers Aniflex but after they destroyed his Roman’s Inception Elite for the Kenobi Show, he decided to provide the TXQ since it was the cheaper option.
hey sorry to bother you again, but I was curious did the person you talked to say where they got the unventilated pommel for the V2 for the show? since at that time it did not exist
hey sorry to bother you again, but I was curious did the person you talked to say where they got the unventilated pommel for the V2 for the show? since at that time it did not exist

That version did come with static pommels, or at least the very last few batches did. According to TXQ Reseller, Stardust Sabers they did
oh wow did they really? so they added the pommel, and then they changed the materials and internals? I thought it was all in one upgrade
They destroyed it to make the Hero Prop, it's a combination of the Master Replicas LE and the Roman's Inception. In a panel at LA Comic Con, property master Brad Elliott confirmed this by stating 2/3 of the prop was MR LE while the rest was Roman's
Oh damn! Do we know which parts of which were used?
And back on topic, I’m a little surprised TXQ hasn’t gone through their old specs and files to put together a limited edition “Force Ghost” version or something where everything’s identical to what appeared on the show. I presume they’d still have the data on their previous runs’ parts, it’s just a matter of determining what ended up in production.
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And back on topic, I’m a little surprised TXQ hasn’t gone through their old specs and files to put together a limited edition “Force Ghost” version or something where everything’s identical to what appeared on the show. I presume they’d still have the data on their previous runs’ parts, it’s just a matter of determining what ended up in production.
For the most part, their target customer base, wouldn't really know or care about the differences.
And back on topic, I’m a little surprised TXQ hasn’t gone through their old specs and files to put together a limited edition “Force Ghost” version or something where everything’s identical to what appeared on the show. I presume they’d still have the data on their previous runs’ parts, it’s just a matter of determining what ended up in production.
well keep in mind that the one used for the show is almost a 1:1 with the one currently on sale, except the clamp card ,and alloy, which most prefer brass anyway (or heavier hilts) so they technically could advertise it as "the one" used
I did ask Xie a few months back if they had any plans to make a small run of the longer switches. After all, it's just glued on the hilt so it would be an easy swap. Never got a reply back though. Unless someone funds a run for them to machine them, they kinda just operate based on inventory levels from wholesaling
Where can i get timing shims that will fit the txq Anakin hilt? I ordered from crimson dawn and they just didn't fit at all.
Where can i get timing shims that will fit the txq Anakin hilt? I ordered from crimson dawn and they just didn't fit at all.
Something interesting that I've been thinking about for the last few days was brought up in Daniel's ROTS Obi Wan and Anakin thread

In the "This Weapon is Your Life" Webdoc for ROTS, at around 5:17 a rubber prop is shown:


Any thoughts on this?

Not even sure if those two shots are the same prop. At first I thought it could be one of the Propstore Auctioned props:

First Auction:


Bunny ears look similar to the Second auction.

But maybe it's a cast from something completely different based on the clamp card, and chromed pin area

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