Batman Begins Utility Belt? Was the harness real / a found object?


I was watching the Nolan Batman movies again and remembered that I was trying to find the harness used for the utility belt in Batman Begins.

Was it something they made specifically for the film, or is it a super expensive high end climbing harness that you could actually buy?
I was watching the Nolan Batman movies again and remembered that I was trying to find the harness used for the utility belt in Batman Begins.

Was it something they made specifically for the film, or is it a super expensive high end climbing harness that you could actually buy?
I think it was custom made for the film.

Gregday made one for his awesome Wayne Enterprises transport case. click the link for pics.

Wayne Enterprises transport case

It was definitely custom made for the film. There are details like the cut corners that totally fit within the aesthetic of the Wayne Enterprises product design. For mine, I scaled up the 1:6 Hot Toys figure harness into aluminum buckles and used off the shelf nylon webbing for the "kevlar". The belt was made entirely separately. Originally it was a sculpt by Keith Billanti, who sold his molds to Johann Leiter who massively improved on it and builds what is hands down the best (correct scale, curvature, solid resin pieces assembled with steel link pins) belt ever made.

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Thanks, that is and isn't the answer I was looking and hoping for. I appreciate your time!

I suspect there are decent 3D models I could purchase to print?
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