Predator art.


New Member
Hello everyone,

Firstly Love the site!! I'm a first time poster so apologies if I seem a twat. What I am after is some really good, deatailed pics of predators standing, crouching, battling I really don't mind. I'm trying to collect as much art as possible for my forthcoming sleeve. I already have a Xenomorph based sleeve and would love a predator one. If anyone can sort me out or point me in the right direction that would be quality.

Thanks guys. :)
Welcome to the forum! Go and introduce yourself over in the general topic about new members. Theres plenty of amazing artists here, sadly I dont yet know them all :) One I do know is here on this site called CoolleKotten and you can see their work on Deviant Art:
I am working on a drawing at the moment, as I havent done that many predators, my work is not that good, but once Ive finished the one I am on, you could check it out if you want
I would suggest looking at the reference pictures. There a whole thread on them somewhere, I'm sure you will find it, lol. Its full of really good screenshots from the films, and maybe they could help the tattooist is they like doing photo realism stuff?
Hope you find what you are looking for and enjoy being here on the forum!!
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