Parts currently "missing" from the 32" Falcon


Well-Known Member
The topic was stimulated by some discussion in the "What scale is the MR Falcon" thread but I think it deserves its own space and wanted to keep from stealing that thread.

Let me say right up front that this is NOT a place to complain about the MR Falcon. The thing is a beautiful piece and deserves your respect as an amazing piece of licensed, mass produced product as do ALL those involved in its development and those that came before them building their Falcons from Scratch with nothing but grainy photos as reference.

We all know that over time the studio models loose pieces. Sometimes even during the production. MR and the team of folks responsible for helping MR on the Falcon did an AMAZING job of replicating the 32 inch Falcon model as she exists in the archives today.

I am interested in figuring out what pieces are missing from the 32" ILM and MR Falcons as compared to the Studio model during filming. If anyone knows what the actual pieces are and is willing to share that would be great but the first step is figuring out whats missing. A few were discussed here previously but I would like to get a more comprehensive list if we can.

I'll try to keep a list and photos here in the first post of the pieces as we list them out for all to reference.

What do you know?

1. "Shield" in front of the upper Quad Laser Turret
2. Detail piece just forward of that "Shield"
3. Detail on the lower outside of the front of the left mandible (Tamiya 1/12 Ferrari 312T: Part D1)
4. Detail on the Outside of the Left Mandible (Hasegawa 1/72 Morser Karl: Part F2)
5. Detail on top of the starboard docking ring (Tamiya 1/700 British Navy Hood & E-Class Destroyer (kit 31806): Part A32)
6. 2 small details on the starboard sidewall of the upper gun turret hump (Just Styrene??)
7. Detail piece at the end of one of the long straight pipes on the middle section. (It's the same as the piece at the end of the second pipe.)
8. Detail on the center outside of the front of the left mandible just above missing part 3
9. Detail on the underside - rear section near the center.
10. Tiny 90 degree pipe detail on top of the center "spine" about 4 inches back from the edge








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Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

Pic of the 32" Falcon during filming with missing parts #1 and #2 visible:


The #2 piece is filling the \/ gap in the Y-shaped piece. looks like a trapezoid shape with a round t-knob on top.

Part #4 is a repeat piece. It also appears on right next to the engine slot on the port side.
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

#4 Is from the hasegawa morser karl....

Morser Karl - 1/72 scale
Part #2 on the F Parts tree
Is the Hasegawa the same as the Minicraft version? (one a rerelease of the other?)


- rotated 180 degrees from this picture
- left side trimmed
- height trimmed
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Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

I think the info in that thread is wrong... I've edited the top post with some new info on that piece. The part matches exactly and isn't out of the Entex kit but rather the Ferrari 312T from Tamiya.

Is there anyone out there that has these parts and would be willing to do a small run of copies?
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

ok you are right...another member had told me that....great so now we need to find the other parts and have them casted up to put on our falcons
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

A couple better views of missing part #5 on the starboard docking ring -

Can anyone identify this?
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

On a quick glance, part 2 seems to be the 1/12 312b brake caliper guys (same used on the TIE hub), dont quote me but ive looked at F1's till im boggle eyed and im sure thats the kit.
Just a question, adding these parts, would that marry up ok seeing as the MR is a tad shrunken due to molding? Just wondered how much smaller she is to the prop?

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Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

On a quick glance, part 2 seems to be the 1/12 312b brake caliper guys (same used on the TIE hub), dont quote me but ive looked at F1's till im boggle eyed and im sure thats the kit.
Just a question, adding these parts, would that marry up ok seeing as the MR is a tad shrunken due to molding? Just wondered how much smaller she is to the prop?


Steve said in the other thread there is no shrinkage on the MR. It's built on an aluminum frame and the parts are injection molded.

I can't find that part on the 312b. Can you point it out on the part trees?
Link to kit pics here:
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Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

steve said there was seven parts missing.....what was the other one?
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

steve said there was seven parts missing.....what was the other one?
Missing piece #7 is the piece at the end of one of the long straight pipes on the middle section. It's the same as the piece at the end of the second pipe.
I've added a number and arrow to it in the first pic below.

Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

There's actually 8 pieces found missing so far.
This one was revealed in another thread...

Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

Ahh now i look harder at this i see your meaning LP. You mean the whole #2 assembly including the triangular shield too?
Hmm still looks like a 312b caliper is glued to that , but again its hard to see, does Steve know of this part?

Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

Hey guys - please have in mind also, that MR had to reproduced the Falcon in it's current conditions plus/minus some small corrections here and there.
At least thats was what I was told.
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

hi moes can you help out on the identifying of the parts?

thanks also I pm you
Re: Parts "missing" from the MR Falcon

I think everyone understands that... I hope so anyway. I essentially say that in the first post of this thread. All of you guys that contributed to its development did an astounding job. I really do think we all owe you a huge collective debt of gratitude.

Working as an independent product development consultant I've been involved with some pretty ambitious projects myself and to see what MR and the team did with the Falcon really is a testament to what can be accomplished with the right group of people involved from day one. It really is a masterpiece of mass-production.