has anyone ever done Ultimate Spiderman goblins


Sr Member

i know i may not have everyone vote but if goblin returns i want this. and im curious if anyone has ever attempted or made this costume.

sorry if this is wrong section moderators feel free to move
I never like how he was drawn most of the series. Looked like too much of a hulk rip off. But I loved how he looked in the Legacy arc. With the shredded cloak and hood. Just awesome. If someone tries for this they should go for that look.

As for potential movie, I'd much prefer this than the glider because we already had a great film with classic goblin on glider. And if they are doing the green goblin again (which is lame because there's some many great spider-man villains) I much prefer they do something different.
I'm pretty sure he's dead man.. but that shouldn't stop you from making the costume. What should stop you from doing the costume is you're probably not a gigantic steroid freak. I can't see that costume coming together unless the person had real huge muscles. If you do, do it up.
Yes. It’s in the Ultimate Spider-Man animated TV show. Jeff Wamester did the concept art for the character. Maybe you could ask him for it.