Gears of War COG Snub Pistol (First Pep build)


Well-Known Member
So for about a year now I've been looking at all the great builds here on the RPF. I've been watching, learning and admiring. So finally I've decided to get moving and do a build right. I've known about Pepakura for awhile now and have printed out a few but never put them together so this will be my first ever build.

I am making the Gears Snub Pistol.

Hopefully what I've learned will work out.

So here's a few pictures of the cutting out process. I got myself a nice cutting mat and an X-Acto knife and wow the difference between this and scissors are like day and night.




Now I have to put it together. I've heard a lot about what to use; hot glue, Elmers, tape etc. I'm going to try Scotch tape. I know that some tape can come off but I heard somewhere that Scotch brand will hold up. Plus I tape both the top part and the bottom where the folds are so hopefully that will do.

More pictures and updates to come soon.
Can't wait to see how this will turn out!, are you going to fiberglass the gun? I don't know how it would be since it will be hollow. Haven't used pepakura to make a weapon yet.good luck on you build!
Can't wait to see how this will turn out!, are you going to fiberglass the gun? I don't know how it would be since it will be hollow. Haven't used pepakura to make a weapon yet.good luck on you build!

Thanks. For the inside I am going to try a mix of Bondo filler and resin and see how that works.
Scotch tape may not hold up to rondo. Low temp hot glue is excellent, dries fast, can be used to fill small holes, dosent burn. Good luck man never saw a pep snub before.
Last night I tried hot glue for the first time. It seems to work well but I'm gonna have to move a fan or change locations as it dries almost instantly when I put it on and strings all over the place.
can you post the pep file for the snub?

I found most of the files off Google. I can't seem to find all the locations as they were scattered about. But if anyone knows a good sharing site that's trusted and easy to use let me know and I'll post them. Again they are not my files, all credit goes to the original creators.

So I finally put all the pieces together. I chose Elmer's glue and used cotton swabs to put it on the tabs. All in all that process worked out very well.

Whoever unfolded this missed a few important lines but I got around it. The real thing that had me confused was the fact that everything was separated. I haven't done a whole lot of builds so I don't know if this is common.

Regardless I ordered a respirator and plan on adding resin to harden it once it arrives.
Anyone ever have an issue like this? I'm not quite sure how to continue from here. If it was all one piece you'd just leave one opening and put the hardener in and mix it around but since its all a bunch of pieces you can't do that.

Any ideas?
I think your best bet would be just brushing it on. If you go to menards, just pick up a few of their 76 cent brushes and slap it on the inside.

It won't be as simple as just dumping it in, but if you do it in a few coats inside and out, it'll be strong and lighter weight than if you just slushed fiberglass inside.

It's looking great, by the way. I can never get anything pepped to look so clean!
Thanks for the advise. It looks like that's the best method to do. I'll get those really small brushes. Honestly this stuff is like surgery. And I'm surprised at how clean it came out being that it's been my first proper pep build.