DCUO FLASH (Armored)


Well-Known Member
Okay, obviously I am new here . . . and I've been totally floored by the UNBELIEVABLE things many here have created - especially those that even costume-making newbs (like myself) can try to DIY.

One of the most AMAZING techniques I've seen here is the various ways to create as-realistic-as-it-gets helmets, cowls and armor via the "pepakura" method. Having read through several LONG discussion threads for various projects, it would seem to me that a DCUO ARMORED FLASH screams pep/foam build . . . .







I've used the "search" function - but wasn't really able to find anyone who has made/completed something like this. (At least, wasn't able to find any threads with images that were still available, anyway). :unsure

Having NEVER done a helmet/cowl sculpt or pepkura/foam project (yet) . . . what do you all think would be a good way to go toward creating as "authentic" a replica costume as the images above as possible?

THANK YOU !!! .... Looking forward to learning from and absorbing the vast array of knowledge and skill/experience from the RPF Community. :)

This is a FANTASTIC idea!! I've never really seen his before but have always wanted to do The Flash but didn't like the plain zentai suit style, but this is something I would definitley go for so I would be interested to hear what comes of this, if no one as a pep file for it I'm sure it could be improvised and modded from a different type like a Captain America helm.... and the armour looks quite easy to make and then be attached to a zentai suit or something similar
I was thinking similarly with regard to, perhaps, trying to modify a Captain America helmet.
It actually looks like a Captain America (Avengers)/Batman TDK hybrid, of sorts.

Wonder if there are plans for both that one could use to mix-n-match/combine.
Well I have made a helmet quite similar with regards to the chin guard etc for my Captain Britain costume but I used a Dr Doom pep and removed a few pieces as it had the square eye style, this one is definitley better off using a Cpt America helm and there is one that can be made in just 4 pieces if I remember rightly, then take the chin guard from the Doom pep add them together and then craft the flash strikes out of foam for the sides?
I may have a go at the helmet myself when I get a break from applying this puff paint to my Cpt Britain dye sub top lol
Well I have made a helmet quite similar with regards to the chin guard etc for my Captain Britain costume but I used a Dr Doom pep and removed a few pieces as it had the square eye style, this one is definitley better off using a Cpt America helm and there is one that can be made in just 4 pieces if I remember rightly, then take the chin guard from the Doom pep add them together and then craft the flash strikes out of foam for the sides?
I may have a go at the helmet myself when I get a break from applying this puff paint to my Cpt Britain dye sub top lol

Do you have any pics of your Captain Britain project ??

Yeah if u do a search for Captain Britain you will find my thread titled 'my next project captain britain' I woild link it but im on my phone at the minute
I've searched throughout the web, but haven't found anything (yet).

I understand that one can "modify" a combination of different pep files - though I'm still trying to figure out how to accomplish this within PepakuraMaker.

In the interim, how might one go about requesting a pep file for a DCUO Armored Flash be created ???

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My apologies for not clarifying .... those renderings are not mine. They are someone else's concept rendering (from ComicVine.com) for a costume he wanted to create.

Heck, if I could create a 3D rendering like that, I would probably be able to create my own pepakura file for the Flash DCUO armor. :unsure
Those pics are awesome dude!!! Thanks for posting as I have also searched high and low with no joy, I basically just studied the hell out of the images in the first post and sketched roughly how I thought each piece would look seperated, I was just gonna mirror the back armour with the front armour as there was no back pics but these renderings have sorted that headache now :)
I have just downloaded and printed off a pep helmet, I am gonna start cutting that out later today and start assembling it, when I have the helmet together then I am goin to take the Dr Doom chin guard and attach that seperately.
I'm probably gonna use 4/6mm foam camping mats for the armour and resin coat them. I am also goin to go for that look in the original pics of battle damage and scrap marks on the armour.
Also glad to see there is no armour for his legs!! didn't fancy improvising that area haha!
This armour could be fun. I would suggest a foam build, for sure. You might not even need any pep files, there are times when draping works, even in a thicker medium like foam. The lines of this build look pretty straight, so with foam and a hair dryer you could be set!
yeah, I was thinking just make the armour freehand from foam and hot glue it to an undersuit.... the helmet needs pepping though.
What is this draping method you speak of?
I agree, I'm gonna stick to the original concept and just use bits of the CG graphics for parts that can't be seen such as the back...
I like the DCUO concept better then the other concept. The other concept isn't bad but could use a little reworking. I don't care for the back on the other concept because it reminds me of the TDK back. I would stick with the DCUO try and figure out the back. I also agree with cjor about the other concept chest symbol. I don't like the black added and the chest symbol is way to big. Good luck on the build. Can't wait to see your progress.
The helmet looks, to me, like a cross between a Captain America (Avengers) helmet and a Batman '89/'92 cowl (in terms of the "mean eyes").

SDUK ... perhaps, if you're able to modify the pep files for the helmet as you've described, you might be willing to share the file?

Also, the neck of the DCUO armor looks a lot (to me) like the neck for a Batman TDK suit - so perhaps that could be brought over as well.

I can't modify a particular pep file, I am just going to make a Captain America pep helmet, then take the pieces from the doom helmet and piece them together, and basically improvise as I go along with it, I just started a Cap helm but got abit of it done and realised it's tiny, it's not been scaled :( so I carried on with it for my 7yr old lol... I will maybe have a go at the simple foam version that was posted up on here...
Dunno if its an Avengers style or T.F.A stye they look similar in pep form haha its actually known as a generic hero helmet.... I think I will use the foam pep instead though, I will link you to them when im not using my phone, but the generic one like I say isn't sized so for someone like me who doesn't know how to resize files its useless lol
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