1:1 Millennium Falcon Escape Pods - GROUP DESIGN


Master Member
Hi Gang,

As many, if not most, of you know I am part of Chris Lee's team that is building the full scale Falcon. One element of the MF that we never saw but heard about was the MF "escape pods" that had been jetisoned after takeoff.

Chris and I briefly touched on building an actual escape pod and placing it within the MF. My thought was it could be on the side of the MF opposite the loading ramp.

I've already drawn up a few concepts that I will post when I get home, but we would love to see your concepts, designs, and ideas posted!

Also... when the full scale build gets rolling, do you think we should include the escape pod - one based on all of our ideas? :)

What do you guys think?
Maybe the Escape Pod were part of the "original Design" of the MF, switched by Lucas due to his similarity to the "Eagle" from Space 1999.

The Original Falcon then was used as the Blockade Runner "Tantive IV" with to buckets as their Cockpit, and their escape pod was rebuild to fit in the larger Scale to be a bigger Rebell Ship, not a small smugglers vessel.

The Original Cockpit then was reused on the "hamburger with olive" MF we know.

I don't know if the screenused MF ever was equipped with escape pods...
I thought one or more of the 'blueprint' and cut-away books shows the escape pods and where they are located on the ship.

Have you guys looked at those sources?
Hey....if Lego put it there, it must be the right spot!! LOL

James: you're right

based on the "story" there must be escape pod, because:

"the log is saying the crew left the ship shortly after the start from tatoine..."
Kenner made an escape pod for one of their MF toys as well. I was never a big a fan of the shape.

Would love to see everybody's ideas!
If I remember, Chris Trevas (sp) created an early blueprint and showed a round escape pod, opposite the loading ramp, that reminded me of the 2001 ASO pods. But I have no idea if there were any actual blueprints or designs done.

That's why I opened it up to interreptation. :)
If I remember, Chris Trevas (sp) created an early blueprint and showed a round escape pod, opposite the loading ramp, that reminded me of the 2001 ASO pods. But I have no idea if there were any actual blueprints or designs done.

That's why I opened it up to interreptation. :)

I'll check my prints at home when I get a chance. Pretty sure it shows the escape pod in that area.
My opinion... I think we "The Fans" should desisgn the escape pod. I think it would be a great way to get everybody involved! We take the elements of all the designs we like best and create a final version.

I think it would be really fun! :)
Too much discussion, not enough submissions.. ;)

My caveat, I'm not an artist, I'm a doodler.

I looked at photos of the MF and tried to pull design cues as well as make it similar to escape pods we did see within the SW universe (you'd expect some commonalities).



I was trying to figure out how to incorporate a dish, but couldn't integrate anything I liked.
My opinion... I think we "The Fans" should desisgn the escape pod. I think it would be a great way to get everybody involved! We take the elements of all the designs we like best and create a final version.

I think it would be really fun! :)

Personally I disagree but it's your guys' project. ;)

I would take any cues from canon sources so that when people visit they're not saying "hey, that doesn't belong there!"
If I remember, Chris Trevas (sp) created an early blueprint and showed a round escape pod, opposite the loading ramp, that reminded me of the 2001 ASO pods. But I have no idea if there were any actual blueprints or designs done.

That's why I opened it up to interreptation. :)

The full escape pod can be seen in the Haynes Millennium Falcon Owner's Workshop Manual. There's a full 3D rendering in there. The pods are located in the rear main cargo bay.
Early drafts of the script featured the gang using TWO escape pods to get down to the surface of Yavin's moon, hence the various drawings with people in them as well as them being equipped with landing gear.

Kinda makes me wonder how they were going to re-board the Falcon, since it was left in orbit.

I tend to agree that the design was a holdover from the "Pirate Ship" version of the MF that didn't carry over, though the dialog line did......

Hi Gang,

Here are my ideas for the escape pod. :) Let me know what you guys think!


In this pic I have the pod blasting out of the "loading ramp side". I couldn't find a pic of the opposite side... :)

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I think your drawings are much nicer than mine <grin>

All interesting ideas, which one's your favorite?
Early drafts of the script featured the gang using TWO escape pods to get down to the surface of Yavin's moon, hence the various drawings with people in them as well as them being equipped with landing gear.

Kinda makes me wonder how they were going to re-board the Falcon, since it was left in orbit.

I tend to agree that the design was a holdover from the "Pirate Ship" version of the MF that didn't carry over, though the dialog line did......


I think I remember seeing those... weren't they in the Star Wars Sketch Book?
Hi C,

Were these based on original set designs? :)

Our design was original based on glimpses of the tops of the pods in early cutaway books. The overall design is similar to the escape pods of the Tantive IV, but smaller one-man versions.
In ANH, they say that "several of the escape pods have been jettisoned". I'm sure the script was never revised after the Falcon became the saucer design so the mention of "several" likely referred to the Tantive IV setup. Since it was said in the movie though we ended up making space for 5 pods (with 3 having been jettisoned). Accounting for multiple pods kind of rules out them being located in the portside docking ring as in your sketches or the Hasbro toy.
I like your sketches though. Cool designs if you're going for a totally new ship layout.