I've wanted a Cirrus X-3 for years, but have never been able to swallow the price of the beautiful ACME kit. ... Well, I can't hold out any longer. I'm going to attempt a scratch build.
The main booster bodies? Simple. Picked up some 6" PVC. The outer dimension is actually close to 6-5/8" so it's not too far off from the 7.5 size of the actual prop. I plan on scaling the pack down to reflect this look. I've seem the ACME kit in person and it is HUGE. I'm not a big guy so a slightly smaller pack will look better anyway. It's THICK ... I may try to find some thin-walled 6" PVC.
Dimensions on the Cirrus X-3 are really hard to verify. I've seen one image on the rpf with dimensions, but it doesn't cover everything. I'm not shooting for EXACT screen accuracy, just proportional-correctness.
This will likely be a slow build. Not sure how this will progress. Mostly because I'm diving in not knowing how to solve some pretty big parts of this design. I'm not sure how to handle the round, organic part that sits between the two rockets. I've never cast anything so I'm not sure how to do this. I wondered if it could be vacuformed, although I've never done that either. Time to learn something new!!
It's been a while since I've done a WIP thread. I'll try to show steps along the way.
The main booster bodies? Simple. Picked up some 6" PVC. The outer dimension is actually close to 6-5/8" so it's not too far off from the 7.5 size of the actual prop. I plan on scaling the pack down to reflect this look. I've seem the ACME kit in person and it is HUGE. I'm not a big guy so a slightly smaller pack will look better anyway. It's THICK ... I may try to find some thin-walled 6" PVC.
Dimensions on the Cirrus X-3 are really hard to verify. I've seen one image on the rpf with dimensions, but it doesn't cover everything. I'm not shooting for EXACT screen accuracy, just proportional-correctness.
This will likely be a slow build. Not sure how this will progress. Mostly because I'm diving in not knowing how to solve some pretty big parts of this design. I'm not sure how to handle the round, organic part that sits between the two rockets. I've never cast anything so I'm not sure how to do this. I wondered if it could be vacuformed, although I've never done that either. Time to learn something new!!
It's been a while since I've done a WIP thread. I'll try to show steps along the way.