CW Arrow "Roy Harper/Red Arrow"

Btown Spider

Jr Member
Well now that we will be seeing more of Red Arrow next season, I've been wanting to work more on a the simpler version that we did see this season and the first viewing of Red Arrow from the Finale. I'm having a hard time with the hoodie right now. Any one able to make out the type or even what color to really go with? Some pics he looks to be wearing a Crimson/Scarlet Red colored hoodie while others it seems to be a more maroonish color.




Also I havent been able to come across any good pictures from the tunnel fight scene where we see Roy with his Bow but has anyone been able to make out what kind of bow he may be using? It does seem to be redish in color.



Almost looks like a Hanes zipped hoody. I have one it's that brighter red coloring. Being darker is prob more the lighting hitting it from the way the set is setup or the filter they use for that scene. Or hanes does have a lighter one, and darker red, they could be switching them out due to "mood" or something. Like Doctor Who with his suits. The 10th would be blue one time and grey the next depended on forward or backward in time.

But remember, remove the cord from the hood part, just sayin.
It's just the base bow painted red. No add-ons or anything that I noticed.

They might have changed the limb screws but I couldn't really tell.
A pretty fine grit sandpaper took the writing off my limbs AND prepped the surface for paint really well.

It also looks like they did a flat black to gloss red fade on Roy's limbs. I don't think they made any changes to the bow other than a paint job.
The paint should cover it up nicely.

I sand the outer surface of the limbs gently, usually *just* enough to get the Matrix J off, then paint.

thanks for the tip! now is it just me or did they leave the tips of the limbs red or should i just go paint the riser/limbs all together?
If you notice inside of the jacket has a hit of red. My guess is they probably dyed that jacket to get the right color they want.
Not the best picture, very dark, but you can see how the tips of the limbs are red, and they fade to black as they get to the riser.

View attachment 326365 that will be interesting on how to accomplish that.

If you notice inside of the jacket has a hit of red. My guess is they probably dyed that jacket to get the right color they want.

i hadnt noticed that. but still makes me wonder what color to start off with.
So I ordered my hoodie last night, should be here Thursday, I ended up going with a maroon one from Russell Athletics. Hoping the color will be alright. My mask has been shipped as well. Can't wait for that to arrive. Just need to get the bow together next. Best price I've seen for one is 103.
I doubt you'll find the bow any cheaper than that.

more than likely so, however it more of a budget priority. Still gotta finish up one last piece on one Cosplay and still gotta get my Spiderman printed and sewed. I'm trying to have red arrow done for Dragon*Con and Boston comic (john barrowman will be here this year) Con in August
Maroon hoodie arrived today. WAAAAAAY to dark, the picture on the website made it look lighter than it really is. will be returning it and going with a cardinal color.
Red hoodie by Y-3 matches the zipper and drawstring colour, even though the string was removed for S2


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