Alpha Proto's 2015 Halloween Costume Contest Entry

Alpha Proto

Sr Member
I find a lot of enjoyment not only making these costumes, but trying new methods of making costumes. Not anything that would be impossible, just one or things that would be new to challenge/ motivate me along the way to keep me interested.

I have always wanted to make some medieval battle armor. Something I could wear to a renaissance fair, but so far I have only dressed as creatures.

Since S.G.C. is coming up, my Ganon costume there was a real success in 2013, and I like wearing masks. I decided I am going to make a Ganondorf costume.
Ganondorf is a character that has been done a lot, and I have never really liked his designs. That is until I saw his radical Hyrule Warriors design! His flowing spiky main of hair is gnarly!
Ganondorf 1.pngGanondorf 5.jpg

I have only seen one image of someone dressed as this character and it did not live up to my standards. So I plan to tackle this costume myself.

At the moment all I have is a face sculpt. I plan on molding it with Smooth-on's rebound, and casting it in Smooth-on's Dragon skin 10. I did this before with my original Ganon. I was going to use this project as my first time molding with Ultracal, and casting a latex mask, but latex irritates my eyes, and stomach a bit. It also shrinks a little after casting. When I started adding the detail to this sculpt I decided I did not want to risk being allergic to the mask, having it shrink, and losing my sculpt in the process. So back I decided to go back to using Dragon skin.

The unique things about this costume is the mask. I want to glue it too my face. That is why the mouth a sculpted slightly op. I purchased some pros aid, but I know silicon doesn't stick to anything, but it's self. I am hoping that pros aid is an exception.

Here is the sculpt.
I changed the nose a bit. I saw where the sculpt was going and noticed it looked a bit like Street Fighter's Akuma/Gouki. So I decided that after this costume, I will cast another mask as Akuma. So this is going to be a one face works for all sort of things.

Also I left the expression in a neutral state, but I left creases, and folds in areas were that would increase expression.
I plan on punching hair, and adding a custom wing.

I did not use a life cast of my face. This is a mannequin head. If I need to I will add foam to form fit the cast were needed.

I hope to share more as this costume progresses.
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Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

I am going to cut some foam in the shape of the hair locks, and glue hair to them.
This way the hair keeps it's shape, but can still move.
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

That's looking great! I was wondering what you'd been up to!
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

Thank you all for the kind words! I am not the best sculptor, but I try. A good paint job can hide a lot of mistakes.
As long as the final product works I am happy.

After looking at the pictures decided to cut an inch off of the lower chin.
I also added a slight brow ridge over the nose to be a bit closer to the source material.

The pours are added with a new dot tool I ordered.
kemper dots.jpg
I am using the larger dot tool, on the smaller dot tool (If that makes sense).

I am going to start molding tonight or tomorrow. Here is what I will be using.
I usually don't use a mold release because silicon doesn't stick to anything but it's self.
I want to be extra careful this time.

The thivex makes the silicon thicker with a couple of drops (I have used this one bottle for years). It helps the silicon stick to vertical surfaces without dripping.
It ends up applying more like a paste so it is best for later layers, or setting registration keys in place.
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

Molding has begun.
This is just the print layer. It has good coverage, so the next layer is going to be slathered on with some thivex.
It is pretty tedious molding a sculpt. It has to be my least favorite step in production.
This is the first time I have made a channel/mote/ clay wall around my sculpt. Most of my molds are glove molds.
So seeing how much silicon just washed down the sculpt was interesting. I used about a pound of it.
It is a bummer more of it couldn't stay on the face. Even so the strength of the molds edges should be pretty sturdy.
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Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

I just finished the mother mold a few days ago. I used plaster bandages, but didn't rush things. I let it dry after applying the bandages two days ago.
This morning I did something different and brush plastic resin over the mold to give it extra strength. Not a lot of plastic, just enough to give it a M&M shell.
I just finished brushing Smooth-on Dragonskin into the mold. I used about 1 and a half packages of 2 pound Dragonskin.
I could unmold it now, but I will wait until I can set up to paint it.
I hope I didn't get any air bubbles.
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

I finally pulled the cast. It turned out better than expected, but not perfect.
I have air bubbles but there are no air bubble holes. Since the silicon is transparent you can see some pretty big air bubbles right under the surface of the skin.
This is because I did not put Thivex (silicon thickener) into the dragonskin for the print layer. I just sloshed it around the cast. The other batches of dragon skin had Thivex and I just pushed it around the best I could. So there is at least a thin membrane of silicon all over the mask. When I paint the mask the air bubbles shouldn't even be visible.

So it came out 94% perfect. From the color to the thickness. I have put it up to my face and everything seems to be lining up great with my nose, eyes, and mouth.

It's been raining hard, and often here in north central Texas. When the weather clears up I will paint this up.

Since this is over two pounds of silicon I may want to add a strap to help support some of the weight. I have been planing on just letting the skin-tight adhesive do all the work. Adding a strap seems like a pain.

I will have to move on to the armor until further notice. I am very excited for this costume!
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Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

Very cool!
as for adhesives, Telesis is specifically made for adhering silicone to skin so if you have any problems you can try finding that. I know you can get it in the US (wish you could get it here in Oz!) though it's pricey from what I remember. Good luck with the hair, glad to know at least one person will be sharing both my irritation at slow progress and awesome results :p
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

Thank you for the link Theterbreh! There is some really cool stuff featured there.

Fallimar, I wish I knew about Telesis sooner. I am just confident in the smooth-on brand so I will use smooth-on's skin tite to keep it on my face. I already purchased it.

I ended up pinning some ears I purchased to the head. Then painting precured dragonskin over them. This attached the ears to the head, and it allows be to paint them with the same paint as the mask.

I tried airbrushing, but I either cant get the paint thin enough to run through the airbrush, or the little compressor I am using is not putting out enough air.

I brushed on the base layer. I think I will brush on the rest. I will try using the big compressor, but it is so loud I am second guising it.
Ganon with ears 01.jpgGanon with ears 04.jpg
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Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

Thank you Saberbay!

I just finished painting. I wish I could have done it with a airbrush, but things just didn't work out.
paint draft 01.JPG
paint draft 01 b.JPG
paint draft 01 c.JPG
These pictures are out dated. I noticed that the paint was not curing. So I went over the entire mask with some dragon skin to seal it. While I did that I added some more shading.
I made it darker in the eye sockets and accented the lines in the nose.
Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

I started making the wig. What I plan to do is take a sheet and sew it to the back of the mask. Then glue a sheet 1/8 th inch sheet of foam to the sheet. Then glue foam spikes to the foam sheet that is glued to the sheet. Then finish by gluing hair to the foam that is glued to the sheet of foam that is glued to the sheet.

So what I did was dye the sheet orange (came out red). Then I dyed all the foam.
Ganon Wig 01.JPGGanon Wig 02.JPGGanon Wig 03.JPG
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Re: Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf

I managed to get the foam sheet sewn to the head. Next I will cut the foam into the shapes I need and attach them to the foam sheet.
Not sure how I want to attach the foam. I would use contact cement but I cant stand the smell. Same for spray glue.
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