Quinn Merrick
Well-Known Member
I recently put together the brown suit 10th Doctor costume (the blue suit is my next project) and I had a great pair of glasses that I already wore as my everyday glasses that seemed to work close enough for my liking for the costume. But, unfortuantely I recently broke those glasses and I decided that my next pair I might as well go all out and get some accurate Who ones as I'd love to find the same glasses David Tennant sometimes wears to finish off the look of the costume and wear as my everday pair as well.
Has anyone IDed the glasses yet? Or anything close? This was the best I found and they're far from correct: http://www.glasses4eyes.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=56
I'd like to find the source. But inexpensive alternatives or anything even in the realm of close is desirable as well. I know this topic has been touched on a few times here but no definitive answers came of it and my search hasn't been fruitful so I thought I'd call in reinforcements! Any help is welcome...
Here are a few pictures of David wearing the glasses, though I'm sure there is better reference this can get us started:
Has anyone IDed the glasses yet? Or anything close? This was the best I found and they're far from correct: http://www.glasses4eyes.co.uk/product_info.php?cPath=26&products_id=56
I'd like to find the source. But inexpensive alternatives or anything even in the realm of close is desirable as well. I know this topic has been touched on a few times here but no definitive answers came of it and my search hasn't been fruitful so I thought I'd call in reinforcements! Any help is welcome...
Here are a few pictures of David wearing the glasses, though I'm sure there is better reference this can get us started:

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