Unsolved Star Wars Prop Mysteries


Active Member
What is the one Star Wars prop that you wish would be discoverd? Mine would have to be the "model engine part" as seen in the partsofsw website.

Originally posted by moffeaton@Feb 7 2006, 08:34 PM
Pre-pro, hope it helps:



Wow. I'd say if this isn't the pic you were looking for, you ain't gonna find it.

I of course would like to know the exact parts used for the Sandtrooper Backpack. We have some maybes, but no positives.

If I had to pick one specific part of the pack, I'd say Radio Box.
Tylerdurden asked for ESB flamethrower pics.
here's ESB

It's the best I could find.
Check with the guys on TDH
What is the bezel/dashboard/Oscope thing used on the Han in Carbonite block?

And what are all the greeblies attached to them?
....what, in the name of all things holy, is the mesh in Vader's ANH & ESB belt box? There's been a few good guesses but nothing definitive.....

im with trallis.

the holy grail of unidentified props has got to be the space trooper pack...

hell we dont even know what it looks like for Gods sake.
Whatever it is, its upside down. That would be the side we never see in 'real life'.

Must be from something electrical or electronic. Maybe light bulbs went through those holes.

Originally posted by division 6@Feb 7 2006, 09:55 PM
Fett ESB flamer would be nice.

This is what I still want IDed,

Thing looks like a tail light assembly. Turn signal bulb, brake light bulb and driving light (when headlights are on) bulb.

GENIUS. I bet that's it. :thumbsup

Originally posted by Gigatron@Feb 7 2006, 11:18 PM
Thing looks like a tail light assembly.  Turn signal bulb, brake light bulb and driving light (when headlights are on) bulb.

Good thinking with the tail light assembly. Many other car parts were used as props in ESB, such as the carbonite block and even the interior of the x-wing had a cassette player lol.
