My latest nerf longshot conversion


Well-Known Member
Here it is.
It was about a 12 hour build from start to finish.
Hope you like it.
All comments and suggestions welcome.



Looks great! The more mods I see to the Longshot, the more I feel like picking up one...
I normally don't like Nerf conversions (don't ask me why I clicked in the thread!) but I do like this one.

The only "constructive critiscm" I have is the two clamps around the scopes. I could tell that they were plumbing clamps right away. I'd try to find new clamps or work with those so they don't look like they came from Home Depot.

Thanks for all the comments so far.
I think the clamps will work if I weather them or alter them in some way.
The weathering I wanted to overdo a little as it is part of my wasteland warrior/mad max style costume.
So my though was that this gun would have done a lot of kicking around and got beat up in the dessert.
Here is the link to the costume pics
I like your 2000AD Bio-chip there. Makes Gunnar look mean:love

Now, if the Ammo clip is bigger...........
I think the blade is rather clumsy as-is. With the size of that ammo clip jutting out, it'd be hard to do anything with it but jab. What would be totally badass? Rig the blade on an unfolding stock that locks in place with a sinister *snikt.* :)