Looking for Marvel Comics costumers or people who know them :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Gang!

I regret not having the time to hang out here like I use to but it's been great keeping in touch with many of you at conventions and by email!

I used a couple of you as models when I worked on sketch cards for "DC Universe: Legacy" last year and I would love the opportunity to draw some of you for a couple of my upcoming Marvel Comics sketch card projects.

Here's the scoop:
1) Looking for models to action pose in costumes that are comic book versions of Marvel characters.

2) Can't promise to draw everyone as it takes longer to get a sketch to resemble your photo. But, would love to sneak in illustrations of as many fellow RPFers and costumers as my deadlines allow.

3) Ideally, I'd like to be able to browse and download high quality photos from an online source (your own website, Flickr, Photobucket, etc) but you can email them to me in batches too.

Also, Please forgive me, I do not have a MySpace account so I can't view any pics there.

4) My email is: justin@wfcomics.com
Post here or email me with any questions and comments you have and for those of you haven't met yet, please feel free to introduce yourself. I love making new friends :)!

Thanks in advance!

Justin =)
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I'm about to finally get my Mystique underway but I have no idea if it would be ready in time (end of April). Besides, you'll have plenty to choose from ;)
With my look I could only be a Tony Stark, not Ironman because I don't have an armor, but...:D
Hey, Justin, you've been over to the Isotope on 326 Fell at Gough, yeah?

Owner James Sime and his girlfriend Kirsten Baldock have an amazing set of Dr. Strange gear, A.I.M. flunkies, and SHIELD agents. One of Kirsten's many talents is that of theatrical costumer, and she's done Ultimate Cap jackets and all sorts of other stuff. You should stop in and ask about James' Loki costume, at least.
To bad i am a movie version spidey:love
You will have better luck on the LOH for comic style suits.
If you have some cool action shots or poses, I'd love to check them out anyway. Maybe if I have time, I can still use a good pose but change the costume when I draw it.

Also, thanks so much for the LOH link. Didn't even know about that forum!

I'm about to finally get my Mystique underway but I have no idea if it would be ready in time (end of April).
Yeah, end of April is past my deadline, but feel free to keep me posted.

Also, the costume doesn't have to be 100% complete. When I've had to draw a specific character and still wanted to use some models I know, I've used them in partial as well as mock-up costumes.

With my look I could only be a Tony Stark, not Ironman because I don't have an armor, but...:D
If you have access to an Iron Man helmet, maybe you can put on a business suit and pose with the helmet in your hands or under your arm.

If you or your friends have the right faces and physique I might be interested in popular civilians from the Marvel Universe too -- Foggy Nelson, J.J. Jameson, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, etc.

Hey, Justin, you've been over to the Isotope on 326 Fell at Gough, yeah?

Owner James Sime and his girlfriend Kirsten Baldock have an amazing set of Dr. Strange gear, A.I.M. flunkies, and SHIELD agents. One of Kirsten's many talents is that of theatrical costumer, and she's done Ultimate Cap jackets and all sorts of other stuff. You should stop in and ask about James' Loki costume, at least.

Actually, I haven't met James or made it over to Isotope yet. I just moved to San Francisco in November so I'm still finding my way around. But thanks for the lead, I'll contact them via their website and see if I get a reply.

BTW, I didn't realize you and Plant Lar were located in SF. Awesome we should stay in touch!

Justin =)
If you have some cool action shots or poses, I'd love to check them out anyway. Maybe if I have time, I can still use a good pose but change the costume when I draw it.

Also, thanks so much for the LOH link. Didn't even know about that forum!

I'll see what i can pull together, I should be at the kidz expo tomorrow maybe i'll have a shot worth showing if not my new camera should be here before the April dead line. Until then i am guessing you are looking for something along these lines?


Also, the costume doesn't have to be 100% complete. When I've had to draw a specific character and still wanted to use some models I know, I've used them in partial as well as mock-up costumes.

If you or your friends have the right faces and physique I might be interested in popular civilians from the Marvel Universe too -- Foggy Nelson, J.J. Jameson, Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, etc.

I doubt I'm actually of the build needed anyway;) But this talk has inspired me to get my Mystique partially patterned today:)
And just in case:
(my website in my signature has more costumes but I have hotlinking disallowed so it can be hard to pick and choose images from it to show;) )
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This is all I have. The Gambit costume was still in the very early stages but I like this photo. Maybe you will too? I really should finish this costume.

Thanks for all the links, posts and emails. Keep 'em coming.

Until then i am guessing you are looking for something along these lines?
Yup. These are great iconic poses. While I can always use headshots and heroic stances. I definitely favor action poses and shots.

But this talk has inspired me to get my Mystique partially patterned today:)
Good luck!

I can get you higher res versions of most of these, and others if you like them. I've been told I'm pretty good at the "wall crawling" pose.
Thanks, Ill let you know if I need higher res versions. I really like your pose for the Spidey vs. Hobgoblin pic, BTW.

How about Marvel bad guys?
Yup, looking for bad guys too!

Thanks again!

Justin =)
Well my Iron Man is coming along, but not complete yet. Otherwise I would say have at it.:)

Like the Gundam Zeppelin said, you'll probably get a lot more responses over on the League of Heroes. Feel free to post your request there.

I've got quite a few pics you can use on my MySpace page if you'd like:


Good luck with your search!

LOH Moderator
Like the Gundam Zeppelin said, you'll probably get a lot more responses over on the League of Heroes. Feel free to post your request there.
Done! Thanks for the reminder!

I hope to make some new friends at LoH and meet members who will be fun to draw!

One thing I should add, I don't have a MySpace account so I can't see pics there :( . I know a lot of you have them. So feel free to repost some of those pics here or email them to me.

Everyone has been great, thanks!

Justin =)