Fur. I need faux fur.


Well-Known Member
Tauntaun-like fur. Good, shaggy stuff. Anyone? I've looked thru the internet and I can find football fields worth of oddball colors, etc. I need something useable for a tauntaun. Heck, I'm to the point of being willing to use English Sheepdog fur... (j/k)
hmm. $40 sq. ft... I think I'm going to hang out behind the local humane society... :cry

ok, not really. This is going to be 'spensive. But, like feeding Vaal, it is a thing to do that must be done.

What'cha making? Is it very big? I did a quick eBay search for "flokati" rugs which are pretty tauntaun-like and got a lot of hits in various sizes. It would be a little stiff for costuming, but if your just making a static taun taun to stand around, it should work pretty good. :):thumbsup

What'cha making? Is it very big? I did a quick eBay search for "flokati" rugs which are pretty tauntaun-like and got a lot of hits in various sizes. It would be a little stiff for costuming, but if your just making a static taun taun to stand around, it should work pretty good. :):thumbsup


well, it's static, for the most part, except the legs. Actually, stiff would be good to hold the shape with a lighter skeleton. I'll look up flotaki. THANK YOU!
Be sure to look up "flokati," not "flotaki.":lol

Flokati is pretty darn heavy, as Sarge said. It's basically knotted yarn, like a latch rug, so the backing is substantial. Not very useful for costuming, if you intend to make one of those rider on top with fake legs with their real legs in the taun taun sort of things.

Check out Monterey Mills for reasonably priced faux fur. (http://www.montereymills.com/index.php?id=18). Shag fur, 60" wide, 15 yard minimum order, about $11/yd. They have a good beige color. The way to get it all nice and nappy like taun taun fur is to use LOTS of fabric softener in the final rinse (hand wash or on machine gentle cycle). And never put it in a dryer - let it air dry.


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As Rick said, a decent shag fur will likely do for the Tauntaun. With some treatment, some sprayed in paint and weathering, you'll get pretty close to what you need w/o going overboard on weight.

NFT's fur is outstanding and worth every penny for certain uses, but in this case I think you'll do fine with shag.

Now Wampas, they are your foes. Except TomS of course. :lol:lol



Well... something along the lines of what was seen in this skit on Robot Chicken... I've got the Lucas part of the costume. :lol
