Can we determine the size of these is rods from DS9?


Sr Member
How tall do you think these rods are? I know they could be as small as 1" but I am assuming they extend to the bottom (or nearly) of the box.
With the colored tops, I am also thinking they are the same rods you see laid out on a cargo container as Chief O'Brien was trying to teach Jake what each one was based on the color stripe at their tops.


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Those look to be about 1/2 " in diameter, yes, but how long, lengthwise?
4 1/2 inches

(just my guess based on the size of this thumb compaired to the box)
Not an educated guess...just a guess.
I was thinking this might be some kind of recipe or index card box. So the box inside might be around 4.5" tall... :unsure
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Yeah, figuring the width of the thumb at approx. an inch I came up with 4.666"... but of course that an estimate of the thumb size and taking measurements directly from the screen and then doing the math. So 4.5" sounds like it could definately be right.
Hey Sulla,
If memory serves, and it usually doesn't :rolleyes, that is a box of Holo-suite programs on isoliner rods used by Quark (I'd know those green fingernails anywhere) on DS9! The screen cap, if you are unaware, comes from the 6th season episode "His Way"
I am sure I have some info (I think?) on this prop somewhere but so far have been unable to locate it. If I do I will post it here for you.
What I do know is that the Cardassian isoliner rods come in two sizes, 5cm (approx. 2") and 15cm (approx. 6") lengths by 1.5cm (5/8") thick.
I would assume that since the station was build by the Cardassians that all information slots would take isoliner rods. So Quark would need to use the same type, if not in the same length.
Sorry I could not be more helpful with the original question but I hope what I put here helps somehow.
Later, Petseal
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Hello again,
I have been unable to locate any info on this prop. I guess I was mistaken about having something!!!

Anyway, I did some screen caps from the episode. I cropped them and tried to lighten the pics to bring out the details. The first five are here...

If you can figure out the size of the rod and/or the box please post it.
Later, Petseal
Once more,
Here are 5 more cropped and lightened screen caps...

I did some quick figuring and think the rod in pic 007 (that's Dr. Bashir's hand) to be about 4" long.

If anyone wants the full sized screen caps please feel free to let me know!
Later, Petseal
Well the tech manual talks about 4 different classes of isolinear rods.

Class 1: 0.43 cm X 3.21 cm

Class 2: 1.08 cm X 6.26 cm

Class 3 1.27 cm X 9.52 cm

Class 4 7.43 cm X 31.96 cm (that one's bloody huge)
this is going to be very vague but for some reason I temporarily forgot that there is a camera on my cellphone tonight...

Anywho... I was at Gander Mountain camping store tonight and saw a plastic box over in the archery section. The price label said "Archers Box"... I guess it's meant to store arrowheads or something... I am NOT an archer. But... when I opened it there was a foam insert with several holes cut in it... from memory maybe 8 or 10... The box was no where near similar to that one but it got me to thinking that they might have found a similar item and used it as the base. So maybe check around for old archery accessory boxes or something. If I can get back to the store I'll take a pics. But it might be an avenue to check out. Good luck with it!
As Darth Gordon stated the DS9 tech manual is the place to go.
I bought some amber 1.2cm diameter acrylic rod a while back, and cut it to 9.5cm.
It feels like a good size to hold and based on the screen caps to me it seems like the best size to go for.
Haven't got around to putting the gold tape and coloured banding on yet.
But here are a few of pics.


Another problem for me is I can't find any gold tape. Chrome, sure, but gold? Nope.
Well the tech manual talks about 4 different classes of isolinear rods.

Class 1: 0.43 cm X 3.21 cm

Class 2: 1.08 cm X 6.26 cm

Class 3 1.27 cm X 9.52 cm

Class 4 7.43 cm X 31.96 cm (that one's bloody huge)

Hey Darthgordon,
I checked the DS9 Tech Manual, if you have the book it's on page 40.
What you did not mention is there is a description as to there uses.

Class 1: subminiature storage devices.
Class 2: PADD type applications.
Class 3: standard console and access tunnel applications
Class 4: computer core storage.

That shows that the Class 3 would be the one used "on screen".
Which works out to 1/2" x 3 3/4".
Later, Petseal
As Darth Gordon stated the DS9 tech manual is the place to go.
I bought some amber 1.2cm diameter acrylic rod a while back, and cut it to 9.5cm.
It feels like a good size to hold and based on the screen caps to me it seems like the best size to go for.
Haven't got around to putting the gold tape and coloured banding on yet.

Looks good renaissance_man,
I will have to remake mine as it appears I was given erroneous info. As you may see from my earlier post mine are too thick, too long AND too short :rolleyes . I also have too many colors- orange, blue and clear.
Please post pics when you have the tape on, Petseal