Iron Man "Stark" mug project.


Sr Member
I'm looking for the graphic thats on the mug that Tony has in his shop. I found the mug used in the film and I'm goin to see what the cost might be to get a case and have some "Stark" mugs made.

Is there any interest?

There really aren't any good pics of it, so any help on the graphic would be appreciated.


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Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

I can't help with the graphic, but if you make them I want one!

Good luck,
Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

I noticed in the begining of the scene that it showed the mug upside down. I flipped it around and resized it for a shot of the other side.

I hope this can help someone make me the graphic.
Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

Thanx, I'll send him a message. I'll see if he's interested in helping me out. He may need to tweek it a bit, I can tell that the "K" is pretty off.

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Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

Remember that it's on a curved surface...;)
And the screencap is also vertically stretched...:D
Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

Remember that it's on a curved surface...;)
And the screencap is also vertically stretched...:D

OK. Then forget what I said. :D

Mike's on board to do the logo, so this maybe shaping into an interest thread real soon. :)
Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

Remember that it's on a curved surface...;)
And the screencap is also vertically stretched...:D
Even so, there's a bit of difference in thickness, angle, and shape between the two. I think the "S" is off more than the "K"
But then again, I don't think this is the same logo and the one you posted above from Mike wasn't intended for this.
I'm in for one for sure.
Re: Looking for "Stark" graphic on coffee mug Iron Man

Just an update.
Mike 's ordering one of the mugs to get exact measurements for the graphic. Mike's no slouch when it comes to computer graphics so I'm betting on these being pretty close, if not 100 percent accurate.

I'm gonna call some local printing shops tomorrow for some prices. I'm hoping to keep it around $10 or $15. But thats not definite since I really have no idea.
The R on the logo Mike did looks a bit odd. I doubt it has the curve on the bottom like that. The low res screencaps aren't the best reference It's a great idea though.

The screencap posted was from the WIP stage of the logo. The final logo as posted, and as ended up on Scott's shirts, is the accurate version.

Were these ever sold? I would like one!

edit:Could someone post the accurate logo so that I can get it put on a mug myself? That would be so greatly appreciated.
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Hi, wanted to ask the same question - would like to buy a mug or the file to print one myself!
I made one up at work using Mike's graphics (I had to tweek it a little) and I photoshopped the "swish" as best I could.

The letters look a little blue from the flash, but they are really black




What do you think? Was I close?