New Profiles In History catalogue - talk it up...

I was surprised to see the C57D. It'll probably end up in the Sci-Fi Museum. Hope they label it correctly.
Great to see the C-57D.

I also thought the Jor-el costume was very cool, as well as the Begins Bat cowl.
Nice shots of the items too! I never knew T-track was actually red, painted black.
You can usually get some good bucks for those on eBay or here. There are folks that collect them.


God - the last one (with all the Jurassic Park and Stan Winston stuff); my second copy got water damaged sitting on a wet counter... :unsure :angry
Nice shots of the items too! I never knew T-track was actually red, painted black.

I don't think it's real.

The t-track on every prop that comes from the Gary Kurtz collection has that funny shape that doesn't match ANY known screen used pieces.
I find that really suspicious.
There is a story that they ran out of black T-track and had to paint some brown stuff. Maybe the brown was a different shape, but it sure is fishy.

All the real props from ANH to ROTJ in the Lucasfilm archives have the same t-track which matches movie stills and period reference photos.
I see a few repeats as well... wonder if they just didn't sell or the sale fell through.

Love the C57D!
Really digging the Baker stuff!

Somebody please buy and give that Gorn his clothes back! :p