1/35 Dougram Ver. GT


Active Member
Hey all! Another build! This time its the 1/35 Dougram Ver. GT. I have the 1/72 kit, and this new one is much bigger than I expected. Unfortunately I accidentally bought the backpackless version. That sucks cos Dougram to me looks wrong without the backpack and cannon.

But anyhow, pics of Saturday's work:

I'm trying to go slow on this, mainly cos I wanna do lots of weathering. This is one Mech that much like not having his backpack looks wrong all clean and shiny. He will be fairly grimed and dirty when I am done.

And I always paint the white parts on him silver. I recall as a kid having the Revell Robotech kit, and it called for the white parts to be silver(may have even had them molded in silver), and I just love the look. So seeing those parts not silver doesn't work for me. But that silver will be dirtied and dulled down when all is said and done.
It's looking really good so far! Is the backpack available separately? Or maybe you can scratch build or print one?
I looked ibto ut, and its only with the complete Dougram kit. I have some extra parts on the sprues that might be backpack parts so if true will try to scratchbuild with those parts. I don't have a 3d printer sadly.
The construction of the big Dougram is done. Currently panel lining. Then sometime tomorrow or Sunday is some painting, decals and then weathering.

Kinda disappointed with the thighs barely having any movement despite the actual joints being very articulated. I know Combat Armor mecha aren't supposed to be ninjas but Dougram is far more agile than regular CA mecha.
So been busy today! First I wanted to give the legs more forward movement, so I cut off the edges of the front of the "shorts"

I almost damaged that part in the process trying to score the line inside. Paint and weathering will hide it. The legs do have some more forward movement but not much more.

Still think it was worth it though.

Most of the day has been panel lining. Almost done with that.

I removed the red tow handles, and am filling the hollow back sides of each with epoxy putty. I would like to do that with the one on the head, but its glued in and painted already.

And I made a judgment call. There are these pieces on the feet that I guess are fillers or something.I am holding one in the photo below.

They are not anime accurate, and they are also too Gundamy for me. They have been progressively annoying me, so I removed em.

I am hoping to get some painting and weathering done tomorrow and maybe Monday since I have a 3 day weekend.


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