19th Century Proton Pack


Well-Known Member
After a good amount of work on and off for 2 years, I finally completed my 19th century style "Proton Pack." Inspired by the Bloomberg style vampire kits, I wanted to take it back to the idea of "What if the Ghostbusters had fought at the turn of the century?" (I'm also very proud that I solved a problem that most proton pack users see, that being how to stand the pack upright while not in use.) The Allegheny Arsenal is a reference to the Tobin's Spirit Guide by Indy Magnoli






Looks fantastic! A great idea. Could you explain some of the contents?
For ease of use, the knife, pair of wooden stakes, mallet and lariat (based off the 1858 U.S. Cavalry pattern) are all accessible on the outside.

The top apothecary cabinet has a variety of tins holding mustard seeds, thyme, rosemary, garlic powder, and sea and Himalayan rock salts. Alongside those are smaller tins with a rosary and Communion wafers, and a chain to hold the cross in place.

The long container to the left has a matchless lantern (wired with LEDs) and also holds the container of blasting caps (because you can't have a haunted house if there is no house.)

The 'cyclotron' is a larger tin to hold a string of garlic, a pair of fingerless gloves, and has room for additional storage under the four 'lenses.'

The two smaller wooden boxes contain a variety of amulets and icons.

Finally the candle box is attached to one side where one might find the 'bar graph' lights.

The challenge with this was two fold. Initially I wanted this to pass what I called the squint test. Essentially, to squint at this and see the same form factor as a 1984 pack. Secondly, when I assembled it I couldn't place what was wrong and then I realized I had assembled it too cleanly. Therefore I spent 3 weeks beating the everliving life out of it.
After a good amount of work on and off for 2 years, I finally completed my 19th century style "Proton Pack." Inspired by the Bloomberg style vampire kits, I wanted to take it back to the idea of "What if the Ghostbusters had fought at the turn of the century?" (I'm also very proud that I solved a problem that most proton pack users see, that being how to stand the pack upright while not in use.) The Allegheny Arsenal is a reference to the Tobin's Spirit Guide by Indy Magnoli

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This is extremely cool and well-thought-out!