For something that nobody will ever see once it's all buttoned up, I seem to have put a lot of effort into this part of the process.
Whether anybody sees it or not, it's the key to a successful build.
For something that nobody will ever see once it's all buttoned up, I seem to have put a lot of effort into this part of the process.
I was just reading you post on my phone as I walked the dog around the neighborhood this evening and saw this, had to take a screenshot and share...Whether anybody sees it or not, it's the key to a successful build.
True that; you'll have to shop around to find the right people with the right machine/skills to pull it off. The problem with this (it has happened to me a few times in the past) is that it might get costly to have wrong pieces/details that you'll have to pay for in the endI love it when a manufacture screws up the job you've given them, then they try to tell you to change your designs to accommodate their screw up.
I sent my mandible CAD drawings to a local plastic shop for laser cutting. Instead of 1 each of the port and starboard I sent them, I received 2 ports. The guy doing the cutting said he couldn't tell the difference so I should just flip one set for the starboard.
I don't know, the lack of attention to detail for manufacturing places today is astonishing. It's only 3mm acrylic, I may end up just buying my own laser cutter off of Amazon and doing the work myself.