Another Salzo V3 Build

Superbe travail BT ! Cant wait to see it weathered !

I wouldnt use this technique for the wing markings as the red markings are wider than the spacings.

I would agree with Julien on this one .. the squadron markings were far from perfect on the ref pics I had .. which I tried to emulate too! :)
Busy summer here .. I don't have much time to work on this .. but a rainy day calls for a little work on my X-Wing!

Always open to comments ..



Here's a comparison shot of my cockpit blue that I corrected!!! I'm pretty happy with the result as that was the major thing that was bothering me on my build!

Looking really great there! I have started on mine too after following your build up. Keep up the good inspirations!
Can anyone suggest the best way to do those blast/carbon marks on the wings and fuselage? I don't have a way to print stencil out of material .. so how do you guys do it?

Certainly not with an airbrush I'd say .. with a brush? Not so sure how I'd achieve a good look without it looking painted ..

Awaiting any suggestions and tips!

Also, before begining the weathering .. should I shoot it with a coat of Future or Testor's Dull Coat? That was my plan but I'd love to hear about how good or bad of an idea that is! :D
Hey mate,

Get hold of some dark brown, gray and black chalk pastels or better yet, powdered pigments, grind them up with some fine grit sandpaper and then dip a fine tipped brush into the powder. Lightly dab the area you want your blast marks to be and build up the colour gradually with repeated dabs of the brush. Blow away any excess with a turkey baster or an airbrush on low pressure setting. Just don't use your breath - the moisture in it can cause a mottled effect.
Chalks can be sealed with dullcote once you are happy with the results.
I would seal with dullcote beforehand though, the benefit of this is that the chalks will easily wipe off if you have made a mistake or been too heavy handed.
Hope this helps.
Hey mate,

Get hold of some dark brown, gray and black chalk pastels or better yet, powdered pigments, grind them up with some fine grit sandpaper and then dip a fine tipped brush into the powder. Lightly dab the area you want your blast marks to be and build up the colour gradually with repeated dabs of the brush. Blow away any excess with a turkey baster or an airbrush on low pressure setting. Just don't use your breath - the moisture in it can cause a mottled effect.
Chalks can be sealed with dullcote once you are happy with the results.
I would seal with dullcote beforehand though, the benefit of this is that the chalks will easily wipe off if you have made a mistake or been too heavy handed.
Hope this helps.

Thats the exact technique I used and it worked great!
Sorry for the necro post here, but as I am just getting started on my own Salzo v3 bird here, and I am just as new to this as Al was when he started this thread.
Well I just wanted to say: Reading all this really gave me a lot of inspiration and the right push to get things started, finally, so thanks for that! I might open up my own build thread, not because I have anything new to add to all this - I know it's all old news, but I'm hoping the specialists out there will help a noob like me to actually do this kit justice.
Dan, yes please do post away!! A good build thread is better than none at all!!!

I can't believe y last post is already 2 years old!!! How time flies!!! And I dont even have kids yet! Decided to build a house instead of working on my props .. That takes all the time in the world! It's already been a year and i'm not even done yet!

I feel nostalgic of my time on this build .. I received my efx tie a couple months
back so now I won't jave a choice to finish that one to keep her company!
Funny, I scored an efx Tie as well and thought "you better get that X Wing done now" :D

I'll start a thread then :)
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