

New Member
did my duct-dummy yesterday and have some paper pieces i soon gonna make the plastic pieces from
anyway, i have almost everything now to start with my armor. but ..
when i try to get the plast pieces together with that .. gun, u use when u are making your armor from plastic buckets... anyway, it´s fall apart very easy and the plastic peaces are like 1 mm thick.

any tips?
1st tip.

you posted in the wrong section dude

and glue guns suck maybe try some contact rubber cement.
btw here is 1 pic .. still design new plates n stuff

yeah i rivet gun, but i fixed the problem.
i also need help with the painting. gonna spray it with a silver colour and then put on some black paint so it looks dirty or like an nice armor color. but i dont know what kind of paint i should use to the dirty look.

and the thing with heat gun .. maby my plates are to thick, they are about 2 mm thick and it´s hard to bend and get the little detail in the middle of the plate..

here is some pics of my leg armor i did tonight


