Big Trouble in Little China - Storm Costume - Lightning 2016


Active Member
12662436_1688356448043136_65034227607932564_n.jpg12688078_1688356441376470_8565552126225538285_n.jpg12670090_1688356424709805_6857465875211483562_n.jpg12642724_1688356378043143_273554788393520448_n.jpg12654478_1688356361376478_5277015846474357180_n.jpglightnigthunderrain1.jpgthreestorms.jpg3storms.jpgI always wanted to make a Storm Costume based on Big Trouble in Little China. I really love the Lightning Spirit and those awesome exaggerated Ronin Gasa Japanese Straw Hats. I did some research and found several Japanese suppliers offer an authentic Ronin Gasa hat for $350 + shipping...waay to expensive and they did not look close enough to the movie straw hats. So I decided to build my own along with the rest of the costume for under $50.00....


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For the Straw Hat:
Laundry Basket = $1.25 from Dollartree
Wired 30" Wreath from Michaels = $8.00 with 40% discount coupon
one Bag of 2 bundled Raffla straw = $1.25 from Dollartree
one twine ball = $1.25 from Dollartree
Tan Krylon Spray Paint = $5.80 from Can Tire
I will most likely have to purchase at least 10 more bags of the straw and I will have to figure out how to find and attach a small helmet inside...
1 bolt of black cloth = $8.00 from Value Village (for the black long sleeve shirt and pants and the tunic)
I have seen some silver from car window screening that I can use for the diamond patter on the front tunic for $1.25
This is the original movie hat which measured 30" for the large rim and 14" high...I definitely got the 30" measure out right but I am a little short for the 14" high but I can make up for that with the straw bunch top knot....the real prop hat.jpg11942d1399745088-rain-s-signature-straw-hat-dsc02242.jpg
I finished weaving the top and now I am starting the sides, the front was rather loose and the sides and back were tight in the straw weave.....I recall the real Wind Hat prop sold for $3500.00....12417648_1688580901354024_7819310688445188922_n.jpg
Some more build pics.9612_1705632169648897_9085866419143330874_n.jpg308596_1690462407832540_2655219998037809582_n.jpg1930786_1704686823076765_4682450859472763330_n.jpg11163745_1704686839743430_4908668008921604460_n.jpg12376296_1704686896410091_1589197118464666574_n.jpg12802712_1704686873076760_6169858799086749678_n.jpg12717975_1705632186315562_6075326733498955777_n.jpg

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I have say the two hardest parts were the sewing and the Ronin Gasa (Basket weaving to create the hat)...!

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I entered a local convention competition and won Best Re-Creation :) .....13082508_1718443921701055_3986163785812333100_n.jpg13131047_10103023485293520_4001941865273630054_o.jpg

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The lightning was a last minute ditch effort with EL wiring from Ebay from China and a garden wire for vine plants....for the quick effect it least I thought so...I also had an amp speaker with a USB plugged in playing clips from Big Trouble in Little China and had some Thunder sounds also.....that was fun walking the vendor aisles...

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The scales were made for Woblia and the belt buckle was hand drawn and made from Super Sculpty clay and held on with a cloth belt and some Velcro...

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I did not realize the scales were too heavy and of course my beer belly made the scales move in weird positions.....not like the fit actor who played the role.... LOL...
"The lightning was a last minute ditch effort with EL wiring from Ebay from China and a garden wire for vine plants....for the quick effect it least I thought so...I also had an amp speaker with a USB plugged in playing clips from Big Trouble in Little China and had some Thunder sounds also.....that was fun walking the vendor aisles..."

You should try it as a night time shot.