It's a salvageable franchise.
Literally, let them have expanded the service into a national franchise.
That was always their plan right? So some new characters in the business is expected
Don't let Akroyd get too crazy with wild story directions, Ramis should be able to keep that under control.
I'll believe when the cameras roll on the first day otherwise.....
I'll take it a step further. I'll believe it when I see a trailer with footage.
all seemed to really put their all into the voice acting.
Bill Murray, on the other hand, seemed to sleep-walk through his bits. He was there, sure. It was his voice, yeah. But there was no real oomph to it.
I think he just isn't that interested in the whole process. The videogame was easy enough to do, probably an afternoon or two of voice work (the other three do most of the voice work in the game, especially Ramis and Ackroyd), but he's not interested in doing a film. Not really, anyway. He's not vehemently opposed to it...he's just got other stuff to do with his time.
The franchise idea is from Ackroyd's first draft - and Ackroyd's craziness is where all of the good ideas came from for these movies. Ramis has no business directing anything - Year 1, Super X and there were a few other high profile bombs that show he is no longer as clever as he used to be.