Color Matching Dexter's Baby Thermal / Kill Top


New Member
I'm sure we all know by now that the American Apparel Henley worn my Dexter is long discontinued, fortunately some factories still make it just in the wrong color!
I was able to track down a light grey as well as a yellow version of the shirt, but I was curious if anyone out there had ANY success dying these things to the correct "army green" off-brown color
I'm sure we all know by now that the American Apparel Henley worn my Dexter is long discontinued, fortunately some factories still make it just in the wrong color!
I was able to track down a light grey as well as a yellow version of the shirt, but I was curious if anyone out there had ANY success dying these things to the correct "army green" off-brown color
No, but I'd like to try. I just got one with the correct color, but no buttons from ebay. I'll update here if I do it.
Always wondered if anybody would dye a grey henley or another with a greyish/brown colour to match that of the one he wore in the very first episode as I believe that version was never an official top made by American Apparel and just one that the costume designers dyed themselves.
dex 1 henley.jpg
Always wondered if anybody would dye a grey henley or another with a greyish/brown colour to match that of the one he wore in the very first episode as I believe that version was never an official top made by American Apparel and just one that the costume designers dyed themselves.
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LOVED this look, if Magnoli ever does their replicas hopefully they offer this one.
If I get around to dying any of my alt shirts I'll see if I can reproduce this look - So far I think I found a VERY good alt for the original AA shirt, just waiting on it to get in.
LOVED this look, if Magnoli ever does their replicas hopefully they offer this one.
If I get around to dying any of my alt shirts I'll see if I can reproduce this look - So far I think I found a VERY good alt for the original AA shirt, just waiting on it to get in.
Easily my favourite version of the stalk outfit by far, like I say though I do not believe the henley was an official colour. So far though I have managed to get my hands on a dirty brown coloured top which has the light seams just like the original one, all I need to do is replace the buttons to be black and it'll be as close as I can get unless anybody makes a good rep. And do show some pics of the henley you got, would love to see