Thanks for the compliments.Really nice job man! You should try and get one vac-metalized. It would look perfect!
I think the lights on the real helmet and the Volpin are of course awesome. But this helmet design is still great without them. Plus you can always add em later if you find a kit or someone to make it for you.
On a side note you should try your hand at making one of the new tron helmets. Like the Rinzler blacked out helmet. It's actually very close to the same basic shape of Guy's Daft Punk helmet.
how did you make the visor form for the vacuum forming? was that a separate process or did you repurpose a second resin pull? I've just built me first vacuum forming machine, and i'm dying to use it for my daft punk build.
very awesome! well done!! i was wondering though - how long did it take you from start to finish?
Tron Rinzler
You are my new best friend! :cool
Please Keep me in mind if you part with a Rinzler casting. :angel
It should be easier than Guy as far as sculpting. But figuring out how
it all goes together to be worn? That is something else! I'm guessing it is a 2 piece neckring where the back ring would be part of the entire back of the helmet. The front ring would be the chin, and the BIGGEST part of the helmet is the Visor. The visor basically IS the helmet.
Can't wait to see what you come up with! :love
Gah! That looks AMAZING! I've been begging to get one from Volpin himself but he's pretty busy
Nonetheless! Great job! Would love to own one some day! And seriously, if you're going for a Rinzler helmet, I'd TOTALLY be interested as well!
I've been planning on perfecting his ID disc before slowly heading to his full costume despite my noob background in costuming.
I'm less busy and to Volpin less good if you are interested in the helmet Guy Manuel, is still available, until the rubber resists.
If you are interested please contact me in private.
Once finished the master and polished well, it must be very smooth, you can start to pass the silicone, as soon as possible with the brush to cover the fine details, then when the first coat is dry, proceed with the second, then the third and so on until a thickness of 1.5 cm. The first hand that by using the brush I have to be very toxopic, so you need to add rubber hardener.ok i have one question...i'm in the process of already forming the skeleton for my helmet...i get how to do everything except for the silicon molding part.
So you coat it in silicon and more silicon, then resin it all over to make a shell and then after drying, you pull out the master mold and the copy at the same time?...i'm soooo confused as how to pull the mold out lol
Sorry i'm new to this lol
I'm less busy and to Volpin less good if you are interested in the helmet Guy Manuel, is still available, until the rubber resists.
If you are interested please contact me in private.