Dann's Blaster Projects - (Latest) Small DL-18 Update

Howdy, folks!

So, not much time to type at the moment, but I've been slaving away at my MGC-based Greedo Killer. I decided to attempt fabrication of my own scope mounting bracket parts, and I filled and refinished a set of "Red 9" MGC grips and made a barrel sleeve/bushing to attach the LFC M9 flash hider!

Here's a bunch of pics!
And a few for the thread
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So, I'm just about done with this monster of a blaster!

I wasn't sure I was happy with my mount/bracket, at first. But, once I got some preliminary paint on it, and glued it to the MGC, with the Compac, I think I like it.

The middle plate could stand to be a bit taller, more material above the screws, but I think it's pretty close, and I can always remake that part.

Honestly, the mount was NOT easy to fabricate by hand. It can be difficult to get all the dagummed holes (and there's a buttload of them) and screws to line up!

Field Marshall sent me a dovetail, but I wanted the scope rings to sit further apart, so I milled the slots out a bit, to allow for that. He also sent me a heatsink, but the hole was in the wrong spot. So, I took the opportunity to play with it, by milling the fins a little thinner, and chamfering the sides of the fins, as well. This was all just for fun, NOT an attempt to "accurize" the heatsink in any way!

I also milled a little pocket for the crossbar to slip into, all snuggled and nestled.

I've also got a SH heatsink coming, so we'll see how that looks. I know it's not totally accurate, and it's generally made to be installed on a Denix, like the FM part. But, I figured I'd give this version a shot, so to speak.

Here's some pics!!
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The brass screws will be swapped out for steel ones, and the Compac and the MGC will both get new paint. Forgot to say that!

Oh, also, I screwed up the first holes for the dovetail, you can see them on the underside of where it sits. I'll either fill them with milliput, or just glue some screw heads in there. Dunno if y'all can tell, but I'm REALLY over this mount, and just don't feel like making new parts for it!! Hahahaha

Wow, that is a beauty. Especially the grips, I tried that and it was very hard to get the lines to stay put, let alone get the right brown color

your mount is spectacular. I like that you gooped paint on just like they did, rounding the countersunk holes
I always have to wait to view your threads on my pc because the pictures are so big it crashes my iPod lol

looks great Dann, a lot of patience with those grips!!
Thanks for the compliments, guys!

Tom, the grip color is I think two browns and a black. I sprayed one, then another and another, did that a few times until I liked it.

The mount and the MGC will both get new paint, though, eventually. I've been pulled away to more firearms projects, at the moment.

I'll be listing more Fett and Chewie/Evazan Scopes in the JY, soon!
Small GK update. New heatsink, from SH. I had to shorten the right end of my crossbar to accommodate the heatsink, but only by a few thousandths. It's a bit different from the FM part, in that it's not as wide as the face, so I couldn't mill a pocket the way I did with his heatsink.

I do like that the backside of the heatsink is cut more for an MGC than for a Denix, so it's a little bit of a more natural fit on the MGC. Both parts are great, of course.

I do have the steel screws for my handmade scope mount/bracket, but haven't installed them, yet. In fact, I still haven't even drilled the MGC! The mount is just glued on, at the moment. I've been moving much slower than usual, these past few months, since my buddy died, and haven't done much prop work.

I've also got ONE more Compac scope, that I believe I'll be selling, or modifying and then selling. It's a slightly different model than the correct version, but it's very close. Contact me if you're interested, or find my thread in the JY.
Your photography is always a joy to look at, Dann. Awesome build too of course!
I almost like(d) your beaten up MGC better, but the reworked GK is wonderful as well

Love your attention to detail sir!!!
Thanks, y'all!

I actually put some resin grips from Vince on it, but I do still have the Red 9 grips that I filled in.

I've got a little more cleaning up to do with the scope, I need to replace the bracket's center knob screw with a 10-32, like the others, and when I do that, I'll likely repaint the entire bracket for a third time. I just can't seem to be happy with the paint on this blaster's scope bracket!

Though I will say, there's nothing more satisfying than machining my own scope mount/bracket parts for this blaster!

Thanks again for the kind words, folks!
Found myself a correct scope a few months back (the one I discovered to be the scope used on the original prop), and luckily found it for a steal!

I've actually had one of these in my possession, before, but it wasn't mine to keep, just for use in modeling my replica.

Anyway, a few months back, I also began to play around with different paint finishes for the Rexim. Granted, the SE-14R is really just a resin cast, painted black, and it's the Dr Evazan version that actually used the real steel Rexim. And I do have another print that I'll eventually finish in the Dr Evazan style, complete with vintage scopes, I just don't have the time to build that up just yet. Plus, I dread the sanding!

So, today I took a minute to glue my original scope to my printed Rexim, and shot a few pics. I still haven't attached all the small parts to the pistol, forgive me. Just wanted to share where this prop is at!