Disney Era Star Wars props


Sr Member
Was wondering if anyone here specialized in collecting “new era” Star Wars props.

I’ve seen some really interesting ones pop up recently and it seems like more and more are starting to surface

With the prices of OT props I think this may be an area that will continue to grow. I have a little collection myself, but I have seen so many questionable items offered it’s kind of concerning. From blatant fakes to things that have been misrepresented it seems to be really tricky to figure these things out. I’ve done a lot of research on the modern props/costumes and have been fortunate to be able to handle some of the real props which certainly helps. I know a lot of the costumes/props from things like R1 and Solo have been reused on current TV productions, and those shows also create their own props as well. It seems like some of the bigger auction houses don’t seem touch some of the new stuff. Not sure if its provenance issues or fear of Disney or?

What are your thoughts on the newer Star wars props and collecting?
I have really loved the fact that a lot of the newer productions are using the old school Star Wars method of using real world, found parts for props and set decoration, etc. I think Lucasfilm is keeping most of these things in the archives and that's why they are not showing up in auctions.
I saw a supposed Rogue One stormtrooper blaster for sale. Expensive, but nowhere near as expensive as an original trilogy prop of course. I am tempted because it's so iconic but still, hefty price tag and I wasn't 100 percent positive of the authenticity. I'm generally a fan of the new stuff because, as pointed out above, they tend to pay homage to the original style of repurposing real-world items.
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I was told blasters were 3d printed for most of the background troopers in the sequel trilogy, and destroyed after production to prevent them being sold off. Not sure if that was true across all 3 films.
I have a Mark Hamill screen used and Daisy Ridley used bladed lightsaber from The Last Jedi. Always wanted a Luke Skywalker screen used lightsaber and getting one from the original trilogy is just not in the cards so I jumped on this one and am very happy to own it.


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I have really loved the fact that a lot of the newer productions are using the old school Star Wars method of using real world, found parts for props and set decoration, etc. I think Lucasfilm is keeping most of these things in the archives and that's why they are not showing up in auctions.

When George sold the rights to Star Wars to Disney, he kept all the original props from the first 6 movies. So Disney has had to re-create all of the props, like R2, for the productions that Disney has made since the purchase. Lucas lets Disney look at items in his archives for reference, but no original props will show up in the Disney films. The original props will eventually go on display at the Lucas Museum in LA whenever it finally opens.

Disney has taken advantage of the amazing prop replicas that fans have produced, and used some of them in their productions. What were once reproductions are now cannon!

A tid-bit about the Lucas sale to Disney that I find amusing is that George only sold the intellectual properties and the ILM company to Disney, but none of the properties or real estate that George has. So George still owns Skywalker Ranch and properties, and holds the lease on the Presidio property where ILM is located. So even though Disney now owns ILM, they are still paying rent to George for ILM's location.
Sweet deal for George!
When George sold the rights to Star Wars to Disney, he kept all the original props from the first 6 movies. So Disney has had to re-create all of the props, like R2, for the productions that Disney has made since the purchase. Lucas lets Disney look at items in his archives for reference, but no original props will show up in the Disney films. The original props will eventually go on display at the Lucas Museum in LA whenever it finally opens.

Disney has taken advantage of the amazing prop replicas that fans have produced, and used some of them in their productions. What were once reproductions are now cannon!

A tid-bit about the Lucas sale to Disney that I find amusing is that George only sold the intellectual properties and the ILM company to Disney, but none of the properties or real estate that George has. So George still owns Skywalker Ranch and properties, and holds the lease on the Presidio property where ILM is located. So even though Disney now owns ILM, they are still paying rent to George for ILM's location.
Sweet deal for George!
Thanks for those info Duncanator(y)(y)
When George sold the rights to Star Wars to Disney, he kept all the original props from the first 6 movies. So Disney has had to re-create all of the props, like R2, for the productions that Disney has made since the purchase. Lucas lets Disney look at items in his archives for reference, but no original props will show up in the Disney films. The original props will eventually go on display at the Lucas Museum in LA whenever it finally opens.

Disney has taken advantage of the amazing prop replicas that fans have produced, and used some of them in their productions. What were once reproductions are now cannon!

A tid-bit about the Lucas sale to Disney that I find amusing is that George only sold the intellectual properties and the ILM company to Disney, but none of the properties or real estate that George has. So George still owns Skywalker Ranch and properties, and holds the lease on the Presidio property where ILM is located. So even though Disney now owns ILM, they are still paying rent to George for ILM's location.
Sweet deal for George!
George has always been a smart buinessman