Full Genji Build Log- Work in Progress


New Member
Hey everyone! It's fantastic to finally be part of this community and to show you my work in progress. I will be doing a full build log of Genji from Overwatch. I appreciate and feedback you might have and I hope you enjoy watching this costume come to life.

To start off, I made a duct tape mannequin and place a very basic skeleton inside and then stuffed it. While it is a great thing to have, I've found that it has its issues when it comes to fitting the costume to it. I may make a more high quality version soon, but for now this will do. After I stuffed the mannequin, I wrapped it in black gaff tape to give it a more pleasing look.


Then it was time to start building. I started with the torso. I found some pepakura files, which I will upload later on in the build, and I modified them for a foam build. I also got a bunch of foam from TNTcosplay. But to make sure that the templates where fitting, I printed them out and placed them onto the mannequin for a quick fit test.


I'm using a combination of 2mm, 6mm, and 10mm for this build. Eventually everything will be covered in worbla, but the parts will initially begin in foam. Once I had the templates prepared and cut out, I transferred them to the foam and started to roughly mark out where each piece will go. Some pieces needed to be adjusted in size, but it's an easy fix.


I've started on the shoulders as well but knowing that everything needs to be covered in worbla means that I'll need to keep some parts separate so I can cover them properly and keep their detail. I'll continue to update you as I go. My hope and plan is to get this done in 2 weeks.Wish me luck!



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Welcome to the RPF, and good luck with your build. Looking forward to watching your progress.
So after a few days of work, I have finished some more pieces, but I'm struggling with the creation of the arms and leg pieces for Genji. I am very new at this and I chose a very hard piece to officially start with, but I'm determined to make it happen, even if I have to do a ton of work on it. Some pics of the progress are bellow


So now, what do I do about the legs and arms? Well I've decided to give them a try and make them entirely out of pepakura before wrapping them in worbla. This way I know the shape will be exact and hopefully the fit will as well, and then I can wrap it in worbla, as I planned to do with all of these pieces, and hopefully it will come out well. That does mean a lot of extra work gluing and cutting and all that, but I have done pepakura before and knowing that I will be wrapping it in worbla instead of adding bondo and that whole mess will make the process a bit easier. Onwards!
Work has progressed rather slowly so far. After making the choice to make the legs and arms out of pepakura paper and worbla, it took a long time to make and finish even just one of the legs for Genji. I know it will look and feel better, but I do miss working with the foam on these parts. But I have also finished the neck area and the back piece, minus some of the little armor pieces that will get placed later. Things are going well. I have also ordered the Worbla so I should be able to start finalizing certain pieces to get a more finished product. Enjoy the pics!
