[General] Actual Prosthetic Limbs + Propmaking

The Pretender

New Member

So, this is currently circulating the internet; James Young, an engineer from London, has received a prosthetic arm based on Metal Gear Solid, which has an arm (obviously), screen and a drone attached to it (as well as USB ports).

I know that this is a slightly morbid topic, but does anyone know if there's more of this kind of bodyhacking in the prop making community? Let's say, for example, that someone decides to make a fully functional Furiosa prosthetic arm. Have there been any developments on this front, besides the hype for this guy's arm?
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I don't remember where the build thread is for it, but several years back, there was a guy who had actually gotten injured overseas, like a piece of shrapnel hit him while he was with the military, and he built an iron man suit to help him get around. He just used a battery at first to power a magnet he had in his chest, but eventually made a better little generator thing to power all the things on the suit too. It was cool. He had surgery to fix the injury, but he still makes improvements periodically to his suit. I wish I remembered who it was.
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