Han Solo in Carbonite build


New Member
Hey everyone, brand new here....

I'm starting a Han Solo in carbonite build, from scratch, from the bottom....Day one.

This is research day.

I have no idea how to navigate this site, so I guess I'm asking, for starters, does anybody have blue prints/exact measurements, of the original build?

And....does anybody have links to where I can get some kind of pre-made Han Solo, like a cast or a structure?

I know it's kind of cheating...but, I'm thinking it might be easier.

Any and all help in Welcomed!

Thank you
Hey everyone, brand new here....

I'm starting a Han Solo in carbonite build, from scratch, from the bottom....Day one.

This is research day.

I have no idea how to navigate this site, so I guess I'm asking, for starters, does anybody have blue prints/exact measurements, of the original build?

And....does anybody have links to where I can get some kind of pre-made Han Solo, like a cast or a structure?

I know it's kind of cheating...but, I'm thinking it might be easier.

Any and all help in Welcomed!

Thank you

Check out the project runs. King Jawa makes the Han casts and Zenix makes the frames. I believe BigTurk makes the side panels too
I remember seeing some Han casts on eBay not too long ago, they weren't cheap though.

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Where did you get the end pockets?

I got mine from MonCal. Although they are good quality, it took a really long time to get them (nearly a year). I'm gearing up to begin a second HIC for a friend and I'm gathering parts. I just spoke with bluerealm and it sounds like he's able to provide end pockets that fit the Zenix box. Moncal's pockets were too big for the Zenix frame and I had to modify the holes to accommodate the larger pockets. It was a bit of a challenge.
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Thanks. I have reached out to BlueRealm. Do you have an pictures of the end pockets before they were added to the box? Do know the dimensions. I wondering If I can just make my own. I think I know the L and W but I dont know what the depth is.

I got mine from MonCal. Although they are good quality, it took a really long time to get them (nearly a year). I'm gearing up to begin a second HIC for a friend and I'm gathering parts. I just spoke with @bluerealm and it sounds like he's able to provide end pockets that fit the Zenix box. Moncal's pockets were too big for the Zenix frame and I had to modify the holes to accommodate the larger pockets. It was a bit of a challenge.
Thanks. I have reached out to BlueRealm. Do you have an pictures of the end pockets before they were added to the box? Do know the dimensions. I wondering If I can just make my own. I think I know the L and W but I dont know what the depth is.

These aren't the most accurate measurements, but they are all I have on hand at the moment.




Hi there,

QCWolf's build was my inspiration to my own build. You can find a lot of information on my build too. I would definitely recommend reading as many threads as possible from the different builders here. Each one of them brought something new to the table.

I have the bluerealm's pockets on the Zenix box, you will see lots of pics of the fitting too. I strongly recommend going their way as it's an immense shortcut to save time and time is money, so save money too! loll

I subscribed to this thread, I love seeing builds taking form now that mine is over too.