Hardening Pepakura Foam


New Member
Hello, I've been lurking here for a while, and I posted some questions that i got answeres to, so thanks for that. I wanted to know if there was a way to harden the foam and give it a texture like this:


Anyway, I know i have to seal it, but I need to know something about Fiber Glass Resin and bondo.

>Can I put fg resin in a spray gun?
>About the bondo, do i cover the ENTIRE part, or just fill in the little cracks?

As a side note, Can someone who was hardened their foam post a picture?
I'm trying James technique with plasti dip but also going to try easy flo 120 to harden the foam :)

Just a heads up with the Easyflo 120, I found it to be way too flexible at three layers so ended up having to put a lot more on to get a firm shell. Its also rather sandpaper proof and I could only really scratch it with the coarser grades, but I discovered that using a stanly knife blade as a scraper works wonders with cured 120 and I got a really smooth finish with just the blade

Thanks for the compliment :) Those pics are actually a few weeks old, I just finished the helmet the other day


I forgot to mention that this was my first attempt using James's coating technique and I found it to be very straight forward as long as you keep the batches small (around 20-30ml) as it starts to gel before its all used in bigger batches. Best advice is to read James's thread on the subject (I'm sure glad I did), there's all sorts of tips, tricks and scenarios/solutions that others have encountered that might be of relevance at some point in your build, it really is worth the time :thumbsup