Hobo With A Shotgun: THE PLAGUE


New Member
Hey guys! Not too sure how popular this movie is, particular in the costuming community, but I wanted to share my RIP costume from Hobo's dynamic duo: THE PLAGUE. Though sadly, I don't really have any good build pics as I powered through for the month between seeing the movie and meeting the director.
First, some refs:

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I started this costume, and finished my mask, before the movie ever released. I realize now that it has some inaccuracies due to some poor refs that I used from trailers and BTS footage, but I still rather like it:


Mask is made of cardboard, hot glue, and thumb tacks. The lower jaw is sheet metal, and the eyes are window mesh. I would like to make another one in the future to include a mobile jaw that moves with my own, as well as a rad voice changer, but I'm having no luck on finding voice changer info. So this'll do until then.

The rest of the costume I tried to make using what the real costume seemed to be made from: mostly re-purposed and cut-up sports pads. The hardest part was just locating some good ones, which is still something I'm always on the lookout for to improve some sections. But here's how the costume ended up after a month of work:




With the movie's director Jason Eisener. SUPER COOL GUY!!!


And the pic that he tweeted of my girlfriend and I shortly after!

After that crazy weekend, I tried to improve the costume a bit, and wore it for another local convention later in the year. I got a better helmet, a better groin cup, shortened the chest pouches, and improved some of the armor:


(showing the new helmet, as well as one of my favorite Hobo props, the Baseball Bat Covered in Razor Blades!



The only other details that come to mind are that I made the sword out of plexiglass and PVC, the sheath I made out of leather, the body armor padding was all hand sewn by my girlfriend and I (and almost entirely done the night of the con), and spurs are probably my favorite part about wearing this!

I still want to do some improvements with the upper arm/shoulder area, would like to make a neck covering out of kydex (if I can find a local supply), remake the mask with the changes mentioned above, and the most elusive improvement, would be getting the correct parts for the chest and "belt buckle." But honestly, I have no idea what either of them are supposed to be from (the costume creator said there were car parts used, but I haven't had any luck)
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Also in the future I'd love to make the two remaining Plague costumes. But for now, hope you guys enjoy!


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