Ion Cannon ref?

Me either now bud, getting good forms for the plating done was really driving me nuts, but found an off the shelf vac pulled product at a new model resource, to the dims i required, all systems go!

Finally made a few cuts on this and joined the Hemi's. Ive finally figured the barrel mech, so I'm doing a first rough draft on the carcass, this one will have a swap out closed door and static barrel, and fingers crossed, the second draft will have the full two stage recoil, needed to rough it as i want to finish this for the last week Nov, complete with a foam sculpted ILM style backdrop, and I've no way go the time to get the barrel working by then and finish what i need to for Memorabilia.
Did manage to get a very quick and dirty door hatch cut though, and attack it with a soldering iron for obligatory damage, procrastination...NOFX wrote a song about that :lol

Yes! You're finally doing it. Looking forward to this! And it'll probably be the best one yet. You've got the skills to do it Lee.
Hope so Scott, as stated, this will be draft number one, a dry run i guess to see how i can make it look, I've about got the right size, the barrel with have an insert to mount it and make it removable, whereas the servo operated recoil version, obviously needs an internal floor to mount it all on, much more intricate, and I'm cutting it fine to finish this one for November.
Ive a few parts ID'd, not many sadly, but I'm throwing caution to the wind, and ill just throw a few well fitting TESB donors at it to make it a decent show!

Oh, hotwire cutting foam, thats a new one for me, I'm thinking a Foam Factory hot wire cutter, should be able to sculpt out a decent icy cliff face with that i think, quite looking forward to that.

Those first two rounds look like there are about 10ft
over the top of the transport.....Jeez that was close! LOL
Michael, im building a second, that will have the servo and recoil driver, want to rush this one out for a prop meet this month buddy!

one for me one for you.....xmas?????? looks great so far mate, get cracking n put that cylon raider down for a few days!!!!