Kang the conqueror help



Im trying to find good pictures of Kang the conqueror, cant seem to find any good pictures of his helmet.
If someone have a pepfile for his helmet that would be great, or just god pictures would also help.

Im going with this version of Kang

and im thinking of this as a reference for the helmet

tips or ideas are welcome.
I want to have this ready for swedens first real comic con in november.
started my first pepakura ever today.
im going to use the Magneto helmet as a base and build from there.
Pictures coming when i finish the magneto helmet.
Thats great, thanks !

Now all i need is a good Picture of the helmet from my original post and im good to go.
Cant remember witch comic it's from.
Does someone have a pep file for Darth Vaders shoulderpiece? I think that would be a good starting point for Kangs chest piece.
Right now im doing the FC Magneto helmet as a startingpoint for the kang helmet, just to get the dome shape. I Will have to re Do it with stronger paper later on when i have figured out the design.