KANGO 426 help needed for ALIENS motion tracker


Sr Member
Hello, I have got myself a Kango 426 and started taking it apart, but the thing is fighting back! Most of the screws have cross threaded and had to be sawn and don't get me started on the amount of grease the thing bleeds!
But I have hit a snag.
I can't seem to remove the main drill mechanism ( I have pulled out the drill bit) and the gears, all located in the the top housing.
I can see on the forum there are many who have worked with a hollow housing, so my question is...how?
I believe there is a "c" clip inside at the bottom of the shaft your talking about. I got as far as you and was so frustrated because every time I would reach it, to release it, it would spin. you should be able to see the 2 holes of the clip.... hiding... :unsure good luck!!
Yep, I got that little sucka, the front of the shaft came off but not the rear, so it's still attached to the mechanism and wont budge. I'll post pics tomorrow.
Thanks Funboy1013xx,not sure what happened there. Anyhoo, turns out I found two alum key bolts that when removed took the whole assembly out, so result.