Liquid Gel Coat question, specific brand?


Sr Member
I have been using a pretty thick Gel Coat for layer 1 of any fibreglass cast I’ve made recently, this stuff from

As a first layer it’s not bad, not bad at all, but I was wondering what this guy uses:

In this guy’s youtube video, his first gel coat layer appears to be very very liquidy and sticks to the vertical sides of his mould. Very easy to slosh it about etc and it stays where you put it. The gel coat I’ve been using is more aka to the Resin Mud layer as he calls it.

Could someone tell me what gel coat this guy is using please? And if you can get it within the UK? Id love to try it on my casts.

Many Thanks
He replied to someone else's question about what gel coat it was. " TC-1630 from a company called BJB enterprises. " It's just buried way down in the comments. Hope that helps in tracking it down on that side of the pond. Otherwise, check out marine/boat shops. Most of those places sell gel coat for vertical surfaces. Just be careful & read procedures when buying marine gel coat because it may come in 2 versions... one for actual building (ie doing your own composite layups) and a 2nd version for repair work that may require the gel coat to be covered to cure properly.
Just searched it.... It looks like it may be from Burman Industries (yea, the Hollywood effects company). Their MSDS just lists it as a fast setting polyurethane casting resin. So any basically you'll just need to do a few test samples using what ever fast cast resin you can get over there for compatibility with whatever polyester or epoxy composite resin you want to use. I can confirm this is how the real Stargate was made as I have several pieces of the off-world gate and a piece of the Continuum gate. The glyphs panels are 1/4 inch black plastic with the smooth side out (textured surface facing inward unseen)
Brilliant, thanks guys... appreciate the replies. That will give me something to look into.

Really want to track down this stuff.
i used to use cfs's gelcoat but since they are a bunch of idiots i now use tomps, it is thinner than cfs stuff.

remember you can thin gelcoat yourself using general purpose resin, ive done it many times with no problem.
Thanks zorg, yeah I tried thining cfs' gel coat, the problem I found was regardless of its thickness it never stuck to anything... it just sank to the moulds lowest point.

Hopefully this other stuff will stick like cheech9898 said.
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