Looking for Ideas on Making Cave Wall Features for Batcave

Chris Kempf

New Member
I have a big project in the works. I, like many people on here I'm sure, have always wanted a "secret" room. I am going to be making a "Batcave" themed room for my "mancave." I would like some ideas on making cave walls and features. I'd like to keep the majority of the walls clear and just use these as accents; maybe archways. My initial thought is to use solid polystyrene 4 X 8's, cutting them in various shapes, layering them in places, and then using foam wire tools to shape them. I mulled around the idea of window screen with foam sprayed over it and paper mache over chicken wire as well. I'm not sold 100% on any of these, but I'd like to do it myself. I appreciate any recommendations based on your collective experiences.

Here is my ambitious plan:

I am planning to create three costume display areas. One for a Batman cape and cowl. I am creating my own cape and cowl based on Neal Adams' Batman that I plan to house in a mock cave display that surrounds the cape and cowl, in the left corner, and looks like it is in a natural cave archway. This will have accent lighting as well.

In the right corner I plan to create a Jason Todd "Robin Memorial" out of plexiglass and will fill it with a partial clear torso I will create from the mannequin I will be modifying for the nightwing costume below. It will be cast with clear resin and be wearing the Robin top, cape, and shorts; with his shoes at the bottom of the case. The case will be lit from the top down; as I have seen tin the Batman comics. I still need to figure out a way to display the Robin mask in the case and "really" make it look like it is floating in mid-air. The torso itself I will be affixed to a tube that is bolted to the wall behind the tri-sided plexi case. The back will just be the intersecting wall corners behind the case; painted black.

I have a mannequin that I want to modify to be fully poseable and want to resculpt it to resemble the correct musculature for my Nightwing costume. He will be lit with accent lighting.

I am going to be creating a weapons display on one wall that houses batarangs, a bow staff, and escrima sticks. Each weapon will have the insignia for the respective user near it; cast in resin: Batman, Robin, and Nightwing. This wall will be mostly cave wall with the weapons "inset" in a carved opening with accent lighting.

I plan to put some cave wall "accents" around the vertical walls here and there as well. I have a large wall wrap that will look like the "Batcave" and will give depth to the room with a 3D look.

I am creating a solid foam door overlay on the Batcave side of a Jack and Jill bathroom that will look like a steel door. This wall will be mostly cave wall.

I'm going to wire up a Batman 66 Shakespeare bust on a mock Wayne Manor Study desk that will be in the room the bookcase is facing and it will open the sliding bookcase that I am basing on the 66 series as well. When the dial is turned and it the 66 Batman theme will begin. I'm going to shorten the intro quite a bit. When it gets to the first "Batman"; the bookcase will slide open. As the bookcase is opening the music will begin to fade, and finally stop; when the bookcase is completely behind the wall. The secondary switch inside the "Batcave" will only open the door; so you don't have to hear the theme music every single time. I may install a two position switch in the Shakespeare bust so I can bypass the theme music from that point for day to day use as well.

This project will take some time. There are modifications that have to be made to framing and external structure in our basement before I can begin the framing of my Batcave room. We are installing an Egress window for the spare bedroom and moving a half-bath that was built on a platform by the original owners. I am reframing the bathroom to be on the opposite side of the wall it is on now to make more room for the Batcave. I will have to get a plumber to bust up the floor and run the plumbing correctly. Right now it is floating above the floor and that is why they built the bathroom on a platform. It's not fun ducking when using the toilet ;) Once those two projects are complete; the fun will begin! In the meantime I am going to begin making the modifications to make my mannequin poseable, sculpting the musculature I want on the mannequin, making the cast for the "Robin Memorial" torso, and then I can get to work on the Batman cape and cowl.

Any and all helpful thoughts are welcome. Comments please! I thank you in advance.
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