[MN] Marscon March 8 - 10, 2024


Sr Member
Marscon is an annual fan run convention, near the Minneapolis St. Paul Airport. For the last 17 years a bunch of us local prop fiends have been putting on a display we call The Propatorium. We do several other local conventions (Fallcon, Springcon, Crypticon...), but Marscon is our main gig. And the cool thing is, besides us getting a free room to show off all our fancy toys, it's like a 3 day long prop party!

We've had R2s and an R5 at Marscon before, plus Daleks, a self-propelled Tardis and K-9 many more times. Plus loads of blasters, lightsabers, phasers, lightsaber dueling with The Saber Legion, and the regular set of convention panels, parties, dealer's room and art show. Plus, I think we're the only con to have a comedy music track (think Dr. Demento style music). MarsCon 2024

I haven't added any photos in recent years, but here are some pictures from earlier Propatoriums:

If you wanna bring a droid or 4, or props to show off, we'd be glad to have you. Or if you're merely droid curious, or prop curious, or just want to spend a weekend at a con in the middle of winter, this might be something worth checking out.
