My Ghostbusters flight suit.

LeoCor Replicas

Sr Member
Showcasing my (mostly) finished Ghostbusters flight suit. I say "mostly" because it's usually in a constant state of flux between finished and me later upgrading some part of it.

The base suit is a khaki Tru-Spec 27-P, arm patch from Amazon, as well as the custom name tag (went with the velcro base so I can switch it out with onscreen names). The elbow pads are Cannon volleyball knee pads, with the excess of the sleeves trimmed, and black felt patches placed over the holes. The belt is a white Rothco pistol belt dyed with pearl gray Rit. It unexpectedly came out super dark gray with a hint of purple, so I gave it a hot rinse cycle in my washing machine, and left it out in the sun which produced the desired color, and eliminated the purple. The leg hose is just some 1/2" vinyl tubing from Ace, dyed with urinary pain relief tablets dissolved in water (oddly appropriate given the canon nature of the hose), with a 3D-printed connector sewn onto the leg. The boots aren't perfect, just cheap jungle combat boots from Amazon that would arrive in time.

Most of the gear is the Spirit Halloween/related off-shoot props (goggles, PKE, trap, radio), all heavily modified. The Pack is the HasLab, also heavily modified. The belt gizmo and Trap pedal are 3D prints, which really help complete the look compared to previous times I've done this. Most of these mods are documented in the appropriate boards, and the ones that haven't should be soon.

Really happy with how this turned out, despite some discrepancies in certain accuracies. Not too much of an issue, since this is my own custom costume. It proved to be a bit of a hit on Halloween as well!