Question New Theme Styles


Sr Member
What's involved, basically, in getting new styles submitted to the RPF? Is there a place to go to to read up on creating themes that will work here?
I'm interested as well.

Art already stipulated in another thread that they would not be supporting themes in a new version of the forum software and would be going to a more generic prop theme.

So there would be no reason to go to the trouble. It was a cool idea though.
Yeah, at this point we aren't accepting any submissions. Once we have vB 4.0 in place and a standard light and dark style in place we will consider adding additional styles, but this is a considerable time in the future. On top of that, vB has promised to change how it handles styles in vB 4.1, so even building a style for vb 4.0 wouldn't be too helpful... and on top of all of that, Internet Brands who owns vB was just bought by yet ANOTHER company... who knows when 4.1 will even come out...